the weekend of seeing shows has begun. last night hypersimulation and i went to see febrile's show, Action Movie the Play. it was pretty darn great, just what the doctor ordered. really funny and campy, with send up of every action movie cliche you can think of. and it was really dirty. lots of sexual romping fun in addition to the mad mad action sequences. it had maybe two small spots where the energy dipped a bit, but they were really minor compared to all of the compelling attention to detail. i licked actors i was not expecting to like, and febrile was smooth as hell in his leather jacket and sunglasses. i highly recommend it. and i enjoyed the chatting and drinking too. i don't feel like i have been at my best socially this week, struggling a little bit to keep my end of conversation going, but it was still nice to spend time.
then we saw the late show at the chopin, with hyper's friend leslie. timely sketch comedy, with segments involing the real word house occupied with terrorists, and the 'newly found homeless' learning how to panhandle. enjoyable show, and again fun to hang with les and porkchop and crew afterward.
tonight we are going to two parties, and tomorrow we are going to a goth trade show with cunningminx et al. i don't know what to wear! should i go with the only slightly gothy clothes i have, or just wear jeans? i don't know!
and sunday night we are going to our pal rob's one man comedy show. i have seen him do short stand up routines maybe 5 times, and am looking forward to seeing something long form.
also have to do this weekend:
clean up my damn apartment.
spend time with my stressed out kitty
reading for school
make nametags for church
order groceries
then we saw the late show at the chopin, with hyper's friend leslie. timely sketch comedy, with segments involing the real word house occupied with terrorists, and the 'newly found homeless' learning how to panhandle. enjoyable show, and again fun to hang with les and porkchop and crew afterward.
tonight we are going to two parties, and tomorrow we are going to a goth trade show with cunningminx et al. i don't know what to wear! should i go with the only slightly gothy clothes i have, or just wear jeans? i don't know!
and sunday night we are going to our pal rob's one man comedy show. i have seen him do short stand up routines maybe 5 times, and am looking forward to seeing something long form.
also have to do this weekend:
clean up my damn apartment.
spend time with my stressed out kitty
reading for school
make nametags for church
order groceries
Happy birthday! (I'm a few days off.)

happy belated birthday i recognized your name