Hello lovelies,
I haven't post a lot lately, everything went from to good to be true to fucked up and really sad. My fiance and i got in a massive fight. He broke up with me so that was quit a shock. But we're still living together and try to start over as friends and see how it goes from there. Due to this i've missed some school and i'm really tired. Although the man of my dreams still lives in my house it makes it even more confusing. I reall hope that everything is going to be ok and we can still live happily ever after. Oja and i visited the dentist and the had to do a roothcanal thingie and they burned a few millimeters of gum away to make my teeth look longer (only my two front tooth). My mouth was fully paralyzed and i felt like a retard.
Well i hope all of your weeks where much better than mine.