I love kick-boxing. My body hurts like a mother but I feel like I could kick some serious ass right now.
Road trip this week to Maine. So, now I have a week to come up with the cash... This sould be fun though. My car's also making a funny squeaking noise. I'll have to look into that.
I doubt that I got the job that I had the interview for. It's the type of store that has every employee looking the same. Ugh. Gotta hate conformity. Tomorrow I will be going on another job hunt with two friends of mine. Wish me luck (or send me money

Road trip this week to Maine. So, now I have a week to come up with the cash... This sould be fun though. My car's also making a funny squeaking noise. I'll have to look into that.
I doubt that I got the job that I had the interview for. It's the type of store that has every employee looking the same. Ugh. Gotta hate conformity. Tomorrow I will be going on another job hunt with two friends of mine. Wish me luck (or send me money

[Edited on Jul 27, 2004 6:26PM]