That new hurricane is headed straight for people I care about. And a place that means so, so much to me. And it's going to uproot the NOLA folk again.
Go away stupid Rita!
Update: One set of family just called to say they've left Galveston. Another called to say that they can't leave yet. My parents are futher north, but they're scrambling to get ready and to help my grandparents get ready . . . lots of tree limbs to remove, lots of drainage ditches to dig. It makes me so, so frustrated and sad that I can't be there to help.

Go away stupid Rita!

Update: One set of family just called to say they've left Galveston. Another called to say that they can't leave yet. My parents are futher north, but they're scrambling to get ready and to help my grandparents get ready . . . lots of tree limbs to remove, lots of drainage ditches to dig. It makes me so, so frustrated and sad that I can't be there to help.

No worries.