So, yeah, now I remember why I don't go home over T-day. It's not that the weather and food aren't absolutely wonderful . . . it's the fact that I have to convince myself to return to school and freeze my ass off.
Hell, don't even get along with my family and I want to go home again. Fuckin' NOW.
Hell, don't even get along with my family and I want to go home again. Fuckin' NOW.
thanx for your lovely comment about my SB set
As for going home vs. school, I can understand the wanting to be done and wanting to be home. There is something about going back, especially if things are tough at school. I am a grad school drop out myself so I know what it's like (at least from my point of view). Fight strong! The degree is worth it. Otherwise, you'll end up with a low paying job at a university, struggling to be a musicians, living with your parents so that you can afford to put out a record and thinking that everyday is the torture that you are receiving for not finishing you masters.
...but I'm not bitter.