So I'm driving in traffic today when this asshole pulls out in front of me and cuts me off so abruptly that I narrowly avoid hitting him. This wasn't an accident as he looked directly at me and made eye contact before doing it.
Of course, I flipped him the bird. It was a brief, rather half-hearted bird as I didn't think the guy worth a good quality gesture.
At the next traffic light he gets out of his car, storms up to me, and begins screaming at me. He asks if I have something to say to him. I calmly reply that he cut me off, I had almost hit him, and that my intent had been to express by lack of appreciation for his actions. He asks me if I flipped him off. I replied (calmly) that I had.
His next words were "Oh, that's nice honey. That's great sweetie. You just keep doing that. You keep that up and see what happens." WHAT?!
So, I looked him in the eyes and YELLED, "Sir, I feel threatened by you and I WILL defend myself if you do not get the FUCK back into your car NOW." I then rolled up my window so that he would have to do something drastic to escalate the situation. He got back in his car.
I am SOOOOO angry right now. This man would not have behaved the way he did if I had been male. He did something rude, I called him on it (perhaps not in the best manner), and he felt it necessary to assert himself and "teach me a lesson." Further, he threatened me. How dare he. How FUCKING dare he?
I'm lucky. He could have snapped. He could have just walked up and punched me (I didn't have time to close the window). He didn't, but I still feel victimized and filled with all sorts of awful, negative feelings because this guy managed to make me fear. No, because he INTENDED to provoke fear in me. I wish I had had my phone; I would have called the cops. I also wish I had had my mace or my knife; I feel guilty for wishing that because I'm trying to get past my desire for vengence.
What a shitty day.
Of course, I flipped him the bird. It was a brief, rather half-hearted bird as I didn't think the guy worth a good quality gesture.
At the next traffic light he gets out of his car, storms up to me, and begins screaming at me. He asks if I have something to say to him. I calmly reply that he cut me off, I had almost hit him, and that my intent had been to express by lack of appreciation for his actions. He asks me if I flipped him off. I replied (calmly) that I had.
His next words were "Oh, that's nice honey. That's great sweetie. You just keep doing that. You keep that up and see what happens." WHAT?!

So, I looked him in the eyes and YELLED, "Sir, I feel threatened by you and I WILL defend myself if you do not get the FUCK back into your car NOW." I then rolled up my window so that he would have to do something drastic to escalate the situation. He got back in his car.
I am SOOOOO angry right now. This man would not have behaved the way he did if I had been male. He did something rude, I called him on it (perhaps not in the best manner), and he felt it necessary to assert himself and "teach me a lesson." Further, he threatened me. How dare he. How FUCKING dare he?
I'm lucky. He could have snapped. He could have just walked up and punched me (I didn't have time to close the window). He didn't, but I still feel victimized and filled with all sorts of awful, negative feelings because this guy managed to make me fear. No, because he INTENDED to provoke fear in me. I wish I had had my phone; I would have called the cops. I also wish I had had my mace or my knife; I feel guilty for wishing that because I'm trying to get past my desire for vengence.
What a shitty day.
Good argument for carrying a cell phone.
Sorry you had to go through that, no one should but idiots seem to plauge society like rats on a ship.
I've always been told to just smile courteoulsy by my parents at such things as "it's not worth getting into any trouble over" they say.