My dream said that in ancient times men fought gods, not other men, and so the land and the villages were spared. The gods meant no ill, they were just fulfilling their function. A goddess came to speak to me and berated me for letting Stonehenge fall into disrepair She said that I should not have let even a single grain of sand fall from one of the stones.
oh dear, maybe you were a druid in a past life or something. in fact i wouldnt be surprised. i like your drawings, very line oriented. i am especially fond of the one with color. i hope that aside form the wierd dream you are doing well. rebuilding your computer sounds like quite the task.
There are a lot of cultures that believe that the battlefields of legend were in the heavens (or respective planes of existence that the gods reside) and you must have been dreaming about one of them. You've inspired me to go back and re-read Beowulf.