I have to get me a new job, this is just the wrong place for me.
The trouble is I am held in, held back by several things.
The first is my debt, any new job would need to pay at least as much as this one or repayments could become an issue.
The second is fear, fear of the unknown, of a loss of security.
The third is my own simple indecision, what DO I want to do?
I did apply for one new job for a computer magazine, haven't heard anything back beyond an acknowledgement letter, it has been over a month, so much for that.
The trouble is I am held in, held back by several things.
The first is my debt, any new job would need to pay at least as much as this one or repayments could become an issue.
The second is fear, fear of the unknown, of a loss of security.
The third is my own simple indecision, what DO I want to do?
I did apply for one new job for a computer magazine, haven't heard anything back beyond an acknowledgement letter, it has been over a month, so much for that.

PHP in particular is very lovely.
Hope you're okay dude. Catch you on Messenger sometime soon.