so... i am finally getting around to updating this thing. truth is that i have been very very busy at work and so am a little out of the loop with the forums and this place in general. but i think i am feeling pretty good on the whole, my public side especially. Since finishing University i have gone from interview to interview being told i am overqualified and/or under experienced,which is most annoying! recently however, not only did i get into a part time office contract, but i found a wonderful oppertunity to go study abroad in the States for a year.
However, this is obviously a problem for me and my girlfriend, who have been seeing eachother for over 2 years. So for ages, and in hindsight this seems silly, but i spent ages wondering how to tell her, assuming she either would ditch me if i went, or, more likely, kind of put some strings attached to it. When i told her she seemed fine, and told me that if i had to find my way then she was there to support me. I felt so in love
. i made her promise i;d still have a gf when i returned. As good as this oppertunity is, i wouldn't go if there was a chance i wouldn't have her on my return, because she will make me happier than any job in the long term. We agreed why i was away she could find herself a little girly playmate, and be honest about the situation, as i am quite sure she's pretty lesbianic anyways, it seems great!
I think also that Sir is feeling pretty good. i purchased this cute little heart necklace for Secretary, and it has a key that you lock in place, and so now it jangles when she walks, a proper little public pet collar for her
. She will be getting it engraved this weekend so ill be sure she posts a picture of it
ergo, i am feeling quite empowered.
My submissive side is less content i must admit, so i hope my gf will take notice that tomorrow i did request a dress up girly night, but with the english summer what it is, i fear i may melt, so i don't mind giving that a miss, though a rose would be loooovely
hehe. i also think recently i have been growing increasingly curious about guys, which has soooo put me on heat. *pout*... o where o where is my less than noble prince to corrupt this less than noble princess.
overall though, i think i am fairly content, if a little horny. i think i either need to find a man or a Mistress or somehow manage to coax the more domme side out of the other half...hmm thinking thinking lol. things seem to be going in the right direction, and even though i may not be perfect, i have felt very close to Sec recently. i think its just the way that despite all my flaws and emotional ammorality, she makes me more human, to myself and other people, and that oddly, makes me very happy indeed.
However, this is obviously a problem for me and my girlfriend, who have been seeing eachother for over 2 years. So for ages, and in hindsight this seems silly, but i spent ages wondering how to tell her, assuming she either would ditch me if i went, or, more likely, kind of put some strings attached to it. When i told her she seemed fine, and told me that if i had to find my way then she was there to support me. I felt so in love

I think also that Sir is feeling pretty good. i purchased this cute little heart necklace for Secretary, and it has a key that you lock in place, and so now it jangles when she walks, a proper little public pet collar for her

My submissive side is less content i must admit, so i hope my gf will take notice that tomorrow i did request a dress up girly night, but with the english summer what it is, i fear i may melt, so i don't mind giving that a miss, though a rose would be loooovely

overall though, i think i am fairly content, if a little horny. i think i either need to find a man or a Mistress or somehow manage to coax the more domme side out of the other half...hmm thinking thinking lol. things seem to be going in the right direction, and even though i may not be perfect, i have felt very close to Sec recently. i think its just the way that despite all my flaws and emotional ammorality, she makes me more human, to myself and other people, and that oddly, makes me very happy indeed.
Miluji te... can we get a pizza now?