Sorry it has been awhile!
There's been some cute sets lately. Cute cute. Can't wait til there's a new AnnaLee set. Yeah, I think she should get on that. girlfriend Courtney and I are almost done recording our full length cd. It is electronic stuff with her pretty vocals. My friend Slade did some really amazing production stuff, so I am excited. If anyone wants a copy as soon as they're available, send me a message w/ an address to send it, etc. And I'll let you know when I can send you one!
I am getting my hair done differently tomorrow. I am kind of nervous, but I think it will work out well. I have been doing my hair pretty much the same way since I was in 7th grade...and I am now almost 22. So I think that I am ready to do something different. It will be kind of parted on the side, and the sides will have a jagged look, and then the back will be shorter, and kind of spikey looking, but in a good way. I don't know, I'll just have to put a pic on here sometime when it's done. Here's my current hair:

I am tired of the way that looks. We'll see what happens w/ this new idea... And why the hell are my toes so damn long?!! EDIT-Sadly, the toes part is cut off on here for some reason. However, I do have it on my Myspace. Weird.
And...I LOVE COURTNEY!!! In love in love. She is my everything. How wonderful! We've almost been together 2 years now.
There's been some cute sets lately. Cute cute. Can't wait til there's a new AnnaLee set. Yeah, I think she should get on that. girlfriend Courtney and I are almost done recording our full length cd. It is electronic stuff with her pretty vocals. My friend Slade did some really amazing production stuff, so I am excited. If anyone wants a copy as soon as they're available, send me a message w/ an address to send it, etc. And I'll let you know when I can send you one!
I am getting my hair done differently tomorrow. I am kind of nervous, but I think it will work out well. I have been doing my hair pretty much the same way since I was in 7th grade...and I am now almost 22. So I think that I am ready to do something different. It will be kind of parted on the side, and the sides will have a jagged look, and then the back will be shorter, and kind of spikey looking, but in a good way. I don't know, I'll just have to put a pic on here sometime when it's done. Here's my current hair:

I am tired of the way that looks. We'll see what happens w/ this new idea... And why the hell are my toes so damn long?!! EDIT-Sadly, the toes part is cut off on here for some reason. However, I do have it on my Myspace. Weird.
And...I LOVE COURTNEY!!! In love in love. She is my everything. How wonderful! We've almost been together 2 years now.
I don't have much else to report. Got all A's in my online summer classes. And they weren't too hard.
AND- Courtney and I are going to see the MELVINS on Sept. 22nd!!! They are one of my favorites. We were going to see Ladytron too, but we decided to save that money.
Anyway...back to cleaning and such. Love Andrew.
Its been waaay too long but anyway...I'm not sure if I ever said thanks for commenting on my new set, so thanks!