(This is my first blog on this site so cut me a little slack if it's screwed up)

So, it's fall. Fall is my favorite season of the year. Even so I have a love/hate relationship with it. On the one hand, the weather is wonderful. Warm but not hot. Cool but not cold. Just right. The leaves are all changing color which looks great...
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YES. had a few people i knew who recently took up hunting. automatic delete on facebook. this isn't the goddamn frontier, there's no impending food shortage, and it may be a long winter but just go to the blasted grocery store.  and the thrill of the hunt? fuuuuuckkk that. go paint balling,  asshole. 
Couldn't agree more. And you know what is worse? They still post this shit on the front page of newspapers... And these people have their kids out killing. When I see a 6 year old in the paper who just killed their first buck, I just wonder to myself, "What happened to kids playing with toys and watching cartoons?"