so, I broke with my try to put some distance between her and concerning my ex and all.....with everything that has happened....the breaking into my e-mail and mailing her personal letters tome to my family and friends, to her work {she's a CA that works with special needs kids}, her principal, the people on the board of her school ect....I want to believe my ex and her friend that they didn't do it..even though she has broken into e-mail stuff TWICE own fault having easy passwords and not changing them enough...and did the exact same thing.......well anyway, we are still getting a restraining order against her and have an active RCMP file going bu this bullshit takes time apperently...or perhaps the RCMP up here are more like civil servants and don't give a fuck that peoples lives are getting fucked with..
Well, I'll miss her company, that's for sure...
Well, I'll miss her company, that's for sure...
I do NOT envy I put her on "ignore" or see whatelse she wants to say to me...a total stranger??
on ignore she goes.....maaybe I can comment here now w/o her sticking her nose in
I'll shut up now