FUCK I do not like this one bit. I get into bed and crumble. It is seldom I get into bed and am acctually tired. But to be unable to enjoy that fucking sucks. For me to just be tired isnt enough anymore. IM SO TIRED of watching fucking cartoons and feeling sad that the cartoons have happy relationships and are happy together. I am so tired of chasing the ghost of a good thing. I was about to say all stops are off, its all or nothing. But its not, im going to wake up and be like oh well, maybe next time. If you see or talk to me, tell me this "YOUR A FUCKING FAILURE MIKE, THE ONE THING YOU WANT IN LIFE IS TO NOT BE ALONE AND YOU DO NOTHING TO MAKE THAT A REALITY. GET OFF YOUR ASS AND BE A CAVE MAN, HIT A WOMAN ON THE HEAD AND DRAG HER BACK TO YOUR CAVE." What is wrong with me? I fall short everywhere it's important to me. All I want is female companionship, so I can fucking sleep well at night. So I can enjoy my life. I already enjoy my life, because I have trained myself to think that I don't need what I WANT. I want to be so misrible that I get off my ass and do somthing. Insted of being content with falling short. Although being depressed about it didnt help me either, atleast I'm happy this way. But at the same time I have farther to fall when I do. If you're a person and your reading this tell me to go get what I want, or the afore mentioned speech. If you're a female person reading this let me take a nap with you. I will pay you to sleep. Literally, no sex is required only sleep, thats all I want, do with my sleeping body what you will.
Fuck you and your cuddling you bastard!
Sometimes I wish I could cry, then I would feel like I'm expelling somthing, but this way I just sit and stew. I sit in bed holding a pillow because I'm too much to fill the space with flesh.
You know its your fault you know? Its all your fault I'm this way. If you werent so amazing I wouldnt have trouble replacing you with a right here and now.
Fucking bitch...
I suck at life
Game over
83 men left
why in the hell did I want to live to 101?
Fuck you and your cuddling you bastard!
Sometimes I wish I could cry, then I would feel like I'm expelling somthing, but this way I just sit and stew. I sit in bed holding a pillow because I'm too much to fill the space with flesh.
You know its your fault you know? Its all your fault I'm this way. If you werent so amazing I wouldnt have trouble replacing you with a right here and now.
Fucking bitch...
I suck at life
Game over
83 men left
why in the hell did I want to live to 101?
Seriously dude quit the pity party for yourself and do something about it. Your situation isnt gonna change itself without you wanting and doing something about it.
If all else fails, play the terraforming mix in my journal 101 times as a mantra to attract your next freaky encounter.
You want to be 101 because life kicks ass.