Ok so I have not been in the updating mood because I didn't feel like ending the saga of Explosions in the Sky. But I have time so I will. The third night was awesome, I had bought a tape recorder and pirated the show. No one will want to listen to it but me, but that's ok. I chickened out and didn't ask for the bassisst/guitarist's pic. Before the show he was setting up his stuff about 4 feet in front of me and I could have easily asked to get the pic after the show but I was a pussy. He knew who I was too, he would have been happy to do it I'm sure, but alas I am a big vagina... One of the guitarists broke a string and switched guitars. His new guitar was giving interverance to the amp and he had to switch back and restring and tune his guitar. He still rocked. I think during the show two kids tried to steal my wallet. Apperntly they thought I was deaf because I heard them talking about it. At one point I moved my wallet to my side pocket and later was more suspisous and put my hand in my pocket. I over heard the kid behind me say somthing to the effect of "look he's scared." I then tured around and said "why? Because you are going to steal my wallet?" He then proceeded to be stupid. After the show I went back stage with just the intent to say they rocked the fucking house and I love them. I was back stage when the drummer said thank you (to my perviously stated saying) then invited me to stay for a drink... I unfortunately was not in the mood to hang out with men I belive are gods. I politely passed up the opportunity. EVERYONE I tell that doesn't understand, but I was just not in the mood, I was already super fufilled from the show...
cklarock said:
She filled up the camera's memory card before we could get a pic of Damian Marley trying to get me to come on stage and do a dueling accordians polkareggaeton jam thing for his encore.
Naturally, I declined. There's no need to steal his thunder. My accordian chops don't need the fickle applause of the North American populace. Fuck America, I'm *huge* in Serbia.
I belive he knows where I'm coming from, although circumstances were slightly different. You ask how do I know what he said almost a month ago? Because he is an amazing man in which I have a heterosexual internet man cursh on and you should all go pay homage to him. Not for any other reason than he is awesome.
Anyway back to my current life, I got my first tattoo. It was cool, I didn't think it was painful. I acutally enjoyed the feeling, and I got it on my bone because people said it would hurt more. I like to say FUCK YOU PAIN! (when I was there I went piercing shopping, my only piercing is my septum, they said they only make bone piercings for a gauge higher than mine and up. I want bone piercings... They said streaching your septum is the most intense thing you can do. Even guys who you can hit in the face with a baseball bat would cry/tear during this ordeal. I told them "you are making me want to do this more..." I was being serious, I am a glutton for punishment.)
*edited to add*
I forgot to tell you what that tattoo is. It is a drawn image from the 3rd album of my favorite band. Who are none other than Explosions in the Sky! I was trying to get it before I went to their show but it just didn't happen. Next time tho, I will show the band how much their music means to me.
*end edit*
Here are pictures:
Direcntly after I was inked
Later that day
Me and Artist

cklarock said:
She filled up the camera's memory card before we could get a pic of Damian Marley trying to get me to come on stage and do a dueling accordians polkareggaeton jam thing for his encore.
Naturally, I declined. There's no need to steal his thunder. My accordian chops don't need the fickle applause of the North American populace. Fuck America, I'm *huge* in Serbia.
I belive he knows where I'm coming from, although circumstances were slightly different. You ask how do I know what he said almost a month ago? Because he is an amazing man in which I have a heterosexual internet man cursh on and you should all go pay homage to him. Not for any other reason than he is awesome.
Anyway back to my current life, I got my first tattoo. It was cool, I didn't think it was painful. I acutally enjoyed the feeling, and I got it on my bone because people said it would hurt more. I like to say FUCK YOU PAIN! (when I was there I went piercing shopping, my only piercing is my septum, they said they only make bone piercings for a gauge higher than mine and up. I want bone piercings... They said streaching your septum is the most intense thing you can do. Even guys who you can hit in the face with a baseball bat would cry/tear during this ordeal. I told them "you are making me want to do this more..." I was being serious, I am a glutton for punishment.)
*edited to add*
I forgot to tell you what that tattoo is. It is a drawn image from the 3rd album of my favorite band. Who are none other than Explosions in the Sky! I was trying to get it before I went to their show but it just didn't happen. Next time tho, I will show the band how much their music means to me.
*end edit*
Here are pictures:
Direcntly after I was inked

Later that day

Me and Artist