I just fell in the shower like if an elderly person had my fall funeral plans would be being made fall. I powned a tension pole that was in the corner with shampoo and soap and all and. It hit fragments out of the ceiling when i knocked the pole down. I was disoriented and had water shooting in my face and ceiling debris all...
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I had an awkward critique today. I felt like everyone was chastising me for taking risks it was ridiculous, that put me in a piss poor mood considering I went to bed at 6am composing a scholarship app that I better get. Then waking up at 10am to set up my piece for a 1:20pm critique. I am so tired.
My life has consisted of...
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My life has consisted of...
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Jelly is regular price.
One of my pieces came out of the kiln today, looks sick.
Things as far as projects go are clicking into place which is good, gotta get that all in order. Lots of work to do.
Today I went over to a professors house to get some thing from his backyard, he invited me in and offered me a drink. He said go out and...
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Things as far as projects go are clicking into place which is good, gotta get that all in order. Lots of work to do.
Today I went over to a professors house to get some thing from his backyard, he invited me in and offered me a drink. He said go out and...
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I love the snow. It never snows here properly. I wish it would lie and pile up really high and stay for a week or two.
those were a friend and her cellphone, but usually it's a timer. i
cammy, too. only udon seems to finally give her the big tits she deserves.

I have to get mad good at welding like... Now
I have to make a book
I have to bend neon.
BUT I pulled an all nighter, I was in the studio from... 3pm to 7am yesterday but I got my shit done. I actually finished it up today which also took quite some time but it looks BOMB! It is falling...
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I have to get mad good at welding like... Now
I have to make a book
I have to bend neon.
BUT I pulled an all nighter, I was in the studio from... 3pm to 7am yesterday but I got my shit done. I actually finished it up today which also took quite some time but it looks BOMB! It is falling...
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i have to take my towmotor test!
heres to picking noses
heres to picking noses

Well, ok, I'll PM you when it comes out.

This one morning when I had time to post and something to say SG was down... Whores!
I have some time now but forgot what I was going to say.
Being back in school is great so far, Classes are great:
- Ceramic sculpture, fucking sick teacher freedom with assignments, great.
- Sculpture, teacher is a tool, I had some friction with him my freshmen...
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I have some time now but forgot what I was going to say.
Being back in school is great so far, Classes are great:
- Ceramic sculpture, fucking sick teacher freedom with assignments, great.
- Sculpture, teacher is a tool, I had some friction with him my freshmen...
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p.s. Get a Mac. Vista is poo.

So far 2008 uneventful. Been playing lots of Halo 3 on my friends Xbox. I got an Xbox live account just to have fun with. My other friend bought a stolen Xbox for $100 and it broke eventually like they all do. He had just left it lying around and I asked if I could have it. He recently gave it to me and I...
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Thank you for your condolence.
Haha amazing. Well, atleast I get a trophy for shitty Christmas of the decade. Oi.
They've gotten better. Loads. Thanks
They've gotten better. Loads. Thanks

Yeah the end of 2007 wasn't so hot. I was on my way to a lighting exhibition being put on by two of my art school professors. I was psyched because New Years has been a notoriously anti climactic/bad holiday since a fantastic 2000 New Years. I was going to break my curse! Then my car broke down on the 5 hour trip... Engine is...
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Similar but different. Resolutions are all about stopping the bad aren't they?
I'm starting some goods
I'm starting some goods

Oh how dreadful! I hope your car isn't going to cost too much to get fixed.
Puerto Rico got better the day before I left...
Hiked up a mountain, that was sick, first time I left the house outside of going to a grocery store all vacation...
Although at some point I decided that all life experiences are worth living for. Even though I could have been elsewhere I was there and I have memories.
Christmas was a HUGE let down....
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Hiked up a mountain, that was sick, first time I left the house outside of going to a grocery store all vacation...
Although at some point I decided that all life experiences are worth living for. Even though I could have been elsewhere I was there and I have memories.
Christmas was a HUGE let down....
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you know, I seriously think it just might be an LA thing where everyone treats everyone like shite all the time..
Puerto Rico is... getting better? Still not great. We have a fake tree now W O O T!
Last night we were having dinner and my uncle wanted to go around the table and share Christmas memories we each had. Everyone had good memories, except my Grandmother, it gave me a little insight into why she is so emotional and prone to depression and negative...
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Last night we were having dinner and my uncle wanted to go around the table and share Christmas memories we each had. Everyone had good memories, except my Grandmother, it gave me a little insight into why she is so emotional and prone to depression and negative...
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send the porn to me and that way i can make sure you don't use it anymore.

I saw my family on christmas eve for a dinner out at the Ruth Chris Steak house. We were together for four hours. I felt guilty but it was a great meal followed up with a lazy day with my guy and a friend.
So I am in Puerto Rico. Everyone I tell that is OH COOL THATS COOL! I guess they don't know my family. Today is a prime example: So my cousin was coming today, the airport is 40min to an hour away. EVERYONE wanted to go, because I am on vacation and have no desire to sit in someone else's house by myself I did too....
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Thanks for the compliment! I hope you survive family time, I 'm about to enter that fun time too.....
That's funny...I thought the same thing!
Sounds crazy man...but then again....we all have crazy family situations, some crazier then others, but hey, be thankful you have family. That's the important thing. Family is like a rose...full of thorns but still beautiful. Okay sound corny, I just made it up but you get the idea.
And it's a good thing to have something that cheers you up. And it's even cooler that it music. What ever works.

Sounds crazy man...but then again....we all have crazy family situations, some crazier then others, but hey, be thankful you have family. That's the important thing. Family is like a rose...full of thorns but still beautiful. Okay sound corny, I just made it up but you get the idea.
And it's a good thing to have something that cheers you up. And it's even cooler that it music. What ever works.