Hi, SG-land
I spent my first 10 days in Cambodia, recently i told you about about my adventures in Koh Rong Island, guess you are curious what was going on later.
Monday we went Back from Islands so his week i spend in Sianuckville. It's a fast-growing resort in south-west Cambodia with a great beaches and big Russian diaspora.
On Tuesday i was swimming and taking sun on Independence Beach. On my road we met a lot of monkeys. I got a lot of pleasure of watching wildlife and feeding animals, there were big monkey families, from smallest to oldest. Talking about Beach, it was also awesome, i engoyed it very much, white clean sand, water is about 27 C, sun beds and shower for free. Also i shoul admit area around and views, which was also quite beautiful.
Wednesday was dedicated to cultural sites, we visited Wat LEU (Leu Pagoda), which is located on the highest point of Sianuckville. Thus, it is isolated from crazy city life, peaceful place valued for meditative calmness. I have seen budists monks for the first time and it was so exiting. Also it was funny to watch how monkeys was badgering cats and dogs and then hide on the roof of the temple.
Thusday was a Day of new gastronomic experience. I tried Jackfruit and frog. I was the only one Who wanted to try frog (i was dreaming about this sinse i was in Italy), so i become a "guinea pig", my friend filmed an interview for her travel blog about Asia while i was eating. You can watch it on YouTube
On Friday i visited another religious site Krom Wat. Its a monastery complex with a huge picturesque terretory, couple of temples (some of them is under construction) , cementery, golden statue of sleeping Buddha.
One of the monks accompanied us during our stroll in Wat Krom. It was a great honour for all of us. To tell you the truth, monks in Cambodia don't lead canonic monastery life. But anyway they are strictry forbidden to touch or to be touched by the woman, in case of that they can't be promoted or even excommunicated. Those monk asked my Facebook profile, may be his intuition helped him pick up the most sinful from our company. My friend's still joing that i am in his nightdreams sinse those day.
Saturday was another one lazy day on the Beach, but this time we went to Sokha Beach, which is also quite well-conditioned.
On Sunday we went to see X-mas tree. Its my first winter holidays without snow, but some decoeations in the city helps to create christmas atmosthere.
So, my week was full of moments which made me feel good. If you want to see more from my travel blog, you are wellcome to join my Instagram.
And how about you, my dears? Do you already feel christmas mood? Have you already bought presents for your friends and family? Or May be you are planning vacation on winter holidays?
Thank you