Wow, I've had a really good day today, and I've done virtually nothing. Never underestimate the power of long walks and frantic dancing and bouncing off the walls in your underwear to the Ramones in your living room. Gets the old endorphins going! You should all come round my house and join in my semi-naked workouts!
Thanks for all your concerns about my hospital stay, was in a psychiatric ward Stuuuupid depression. I'm feeling loooads better today though. I even did some cooking. Ash is right, I am a fussy, homely, Marge, food-will-fix-anything kinda gal. I wish someone would buy me a cool apron, my leopard print top has got cake mix all down it. Mmmm... cake.
Whats the best thing you can cook?
And lastly, now I've figured out how to add pictures, here's the latest of mine and ClearBrightFire's frolics:
Thanks for all your concerns about my hospital stay, was in a psychiatric ward Stuuuupid depression. I'm feeling loooads better today though. I even did some cooking. Ash is right, I am a fussy, homely, Marge, food-will-fix-anything kinda gal. I wish someone would buy me a cool apron, my leopard print top has got cake mix all down it. Mmmm... cake.
Whats the best thing you can cook?
And lastly, now I've figured out how to add pictures, here's the latest of mine and ClearBrightFire's frolics:
Glad youre feeling better.