Whatup, peoples? How's everybody doing? Today I took my little Yuma to the vet, he had to get his ears cleaned out, which he really didn't like and he got two shots, poor kitty...but he was really good. Everyone who meets him knows he's the best cat in New York. I will miss him when I have to go to Amsterdam and he has to stay here with my friends Will and Bobby. I've been pretty bored otherwise...hope everyone liked the pics I posted? Sorry they weren't the best, I was gonna take more but the batteries on the camera died...so maybe more some other time. I was really tickled by this pic I found online of my crush...if anyone wants to see it you should email me cuz i don't want to post it here, that would make him upset i think. I love searching people's names randomly on Google, it's so much fun when there's nothing better to do.
SO on Saturday night I'm gonna dance at Stagedoor Johnny's in New Haven. This is gonna be an adventure, my sis said you just show up and tell them you wanna dance and they let you...so that's what I'm planning on doing. Hopefully I'll make some money cuz I need it for my trip overseas. But I'm a little worried cuz its supposed to snow alot this weekend...if i don't make that much maybe i'll do it again next weekend. Anyway, keep it reals ya'll...hopefully those of you nearby will catch my show!
SO on Saturday night I'm gonna dance at Stagedoor Johnny's in New Haven. This is gonna be an adventure, my sis said you just show up and tell them you wanna dance and they let you...so that's what I'm planning on doing. Hopefully I'll make some money cuz I need it for my trip overseas. But I'm a little worried cuz its supposed to snow alot this weekend...if i don't make that much maybe i'll do it again next weekend. Anyway, keep it reals ya'll...hopefully those of you nearby will catch my show!

"sound reasoning and truth, when adequately communicated, must always be victorious over error: sound reasoning and truth are capable of being so communicated: truth is omnipotent: The vices and moral weaknesses of man are not invincible: man is perfectible, or in other words susceptivle of perpetual improvement."
- william godwin, father of anarchy.