Hmmmm...to do laundry or not?

I really want to go ride my bike all around and maybe go for a walk by the lake...but it's too damn hot and sticky today! Maybe a little later, if it cools down...

The other night, I may have hit the pinnacle of dorkdom. I now have a copy of the Star Wars Roleplaying Game Saga Edition Rulebook, and...
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Oh wow. The Star Wars thing... ha, I've no comment. biggrin

However, I know about your humidity.
I got into my car the other day and could barely breathe.
Not to mention the off and on, ten second rain showers Charlotte gets so frequently left puddles that gave off heat.
there you go again, always trying to quincentuple what little money you have.
It seems as though the only thing I'm capapble of thinking about today is you...
Your silly state rained down on me during my beloved AFI the other night. It made me sad.
thanks-- i'll add you next time i'm on. smile
Saturday round up...

Sweet action. Summerfest is way too expensive if you are only going for two hours to see one fucking band! However, if that band happens to be Rise Against, and half-way through the show you finally end up with good "seats" (see: a good spot to stand on a bleacher) and they play two encores the first of which includes a beautiful...
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So far, so good.

It is 7:36pm exactly, and I could go to bed right now! I got up a little before 7am, drank two cups of coffee, got dressed and rode my bike down to 5th st. to catch the MegaBus to Chicago. I bummed around Clark and Blemont for a bit, bought a book about being a 'Film Snob,' and some $1...
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Holy shit! Awesome!

The Geeks. Youth crew straightedge band from Seoul, South Korea!

Holy shit! Awesome!

I didn't fail 116, but I'm still going to repeat it to improve my GPA (D+ isn't really doing much for me).

I always wanted to be a mad scientist.
I always wanted a lab coat...
i used to think that scientists were a myth but now one of my friends is one.

i now view her with a sense of fascination - and she does wear a labcoat to work. i protect my brain from her just in case she wishes to experiment on me.

hi by the way.
badass show tonight at my old flat. Jason switched up the basement...moshing is better. haha.

i've been picking black soot-y shit out of my nose since i got home though, that's pretty gross.

oh, and apparently i'm going to be starring in a new retro video game focused podcast. my cohost? a puppet.
yes, you read that right.
stay tuned for updates about this...and more!
we needz teh hanging out s00n. these arms are boners?
been slacking off more than i should...as usual.

i swear to god i'm going to try to come on this site more often! i'm paying for it afterall!

new favorite Suicide Girl, Oubliette. something about her set makes me smile, i feel like you get a real sense of her personality. i love this site because of that. the fact that so many of the...
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apparently i hate the internet...and apparently i like Dungeons and Dragons a lot. who knew?


school starts on Monday. that's cool i guess. for the first time in a long time i actually excited about it. i have ok classes, except for math (again!) so, i should do well for once *crosses fingers*

i live with my parents again. which sucks, but at least...
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tongue tongue tongue
kiss kiss