my ears have goo. wich means they smell...or at least my fingers smell after i scratch/tug on my ears...but, i'm afraid to wash them, cause its only been like a week since i stretched them, and these plugs have threading and i'm affraid of hurting least no one has seemed to notice yet...
am i gross?
*takes 15 minute break to watch Robot Chicken*
hmmm...i hate The Fantastic Four. actually, with the possible exception of Batman (and maybe Spiderman) i hate super heros all together. don't get me wrong i fucking love comic books. but i really hate super human heros. i books where the heros are human, have a distinctly human side and have at least some human problems (ie: Peter Parker's school and girl trouble, or Batman's business troubles).
i suppose thats why the only Marvel comic i read with any regularity is The Punisher. now thats a three dimensial, (anti) hero! so, today, i finally figured out the order and amount of the newer Punisher books, and i bought the Welcome Back, Frank trade. i loved Punisher the before, but now that Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon (Preacher and Hellblazer) got a hold of it, its pretty much magic. next time i go to Lost World of Wonders i need to take my journal so i can fill in my War Journal and origianl Unlimited gaps.
so, yeah...i'm a dork.
am i gross?
*takes 15 minute break to watch Robot Chicken*
hmmm...i hate The Fantastic Four. actually, with the possible exception of Batman (and maybe Spiderman) i hate super heros all together. don't get me wrong i fucking love comic books. but i really hate super human heros. i books where the heros are human, have a distinctly human side and have at least some human problems (ie: Peter Parker's school and girl trouble, or Batman's business troubles).
i suppose thats why the only Marvel comic i read with any regularity is The Punisher. now thats a three dimensial, (anti) hero! so, today, i finally figured out the order and amount of the newer Punisher books, and i bought the Welcome Back, Frank trade. i loved Punisher the before, but now that Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon (Preacher and Hellblazer) got a hold of it, its pretty much magic. next time i go to Lost World of Wonders i need to take my journal so i can fill in my War Journal and origianl Unlimited gaps.
so, yeah...i'm a dork.
aww thank you so much