Wow. Its been a while, huh? Lets bring this thing up to speed...
The Fest was amazing. Easily the most fun I've ever had in my life. I have a million great stories, but honestly, if you want to know what it was like, go to YouTube and search "Fest 7." Peep the video of Paint it Black playing in the back of a U-Haul truck in a parking lot. That pretty much sums up the weekend nicely. I saw a ton of great bands, met a some really awesome people, and got to watch The Ergs twice!
Best show - The Ergs, both sets! Honorable mention to seeing Less Than Jake IN Gainesville and Paint it Black playing in a U-Haul!
Best new find - Iron Chic, seriously check these guys out!
Best buy - The Measure - Songs About People...and Fruit 'n Shit 12" or The Gaslight Anthem - Senor And The Queen double 7".
Best food of Fest - Five Star Pizza, but only cause I didn't eat at Flacos or Leonardo's.
Weirdest moment - Realizing that Matt, the cool Milwaukee dude I met in Tampa is engaged to my friend Nicole!
Biggest regret - Not having the guts to talk to more people and missing BOTH The Chinese Telephones and Dear Landlord.
When I got back from Fest, I was super sick for week. Then ectasia was super sick for a week. I ended up missing three weeks of school. I am going to fail my photo class which is pretty pathetic. And I have one day to fully edit my Experimental 16mm film!
The semester is over after today, and in a week I will be in San Francisco, for Christmas and New Years! Between now and then though is the Union Activities Board (student org I belong to) year end dinner at Bucca's, getting to hang with undeserving, hopefully, and Dangthelad's birthday dinner and drinking event.
Oh, and I'm finally writing a new Dungeons and Dragons campaign. So, that should be fun if it ever starts!
I suck at taking pictures at shows, but, here's the good stuff from Fest...
The Fest was amazing. Easily the most fun I've ever had in my life. I have a million great stories, but honestly, if you want to know what it was like, go to YouTube and search "Fest 7." Peep the video of Paint it Black playing in the back of a U-Haul truck in a parking lot. That pretty much sums up the weekend nicely. I saw a ton of great bands, met a some really awesome people, and got to watch The Ergs twice!
Best show - The Ergs, both sets! Honorable mention to seeing Less Than Jake IN Gainesville and Paint it Black playing in a U-Haul!
Best new find - Iron Chic, seriously check these guys out!
Best buy - The Measure - Songs About People...and Fruit 'n Shit 12" or The Gaslight Anthem - Senor And The Queen double 7".
Best food of Fest - Five Star Pizza, but only cause I didn't eat at Flacos or Leonardo's.
Weirdest moment - Realizing that Matt, the cool Milwaukee dude I met in Tampa is engaged to my friend Nicole!
Biggest regret - Not having the guts to talk to more people and missing BOTH The Chinese Telephones and Dear Landlord.
When I got back from Fest, I was super sick for week. Then ectasia was super sick for a week. I ended up missing three weeks of school. I am going to fail my photo class which is pretty pathetic. And I have one day to fully edit my Experimental 16mm film!
The semester is over after today, and in a week I will be in San Francisco, for Christmas and New Years! Between now and then though is the Union Activities Board (student org I belong to) year end dinner at Bucca's, getting to hang with undeserving, hopefully, and Dangthelad's birthday dinner and drinking event.
Oh, and I'm finally writing a new Dungeons and Dragons campaign. So, that should be fun if it ever starts!
I suck at taking pictures at shows, but, here's the good stuff from Fest...
is just i'm a pop punk lover since always 

reallyyyyyyyyyyyyy?? OMG!! this is MY group!! hahahhaa.. thank you