I suppose its finally an acknowledgement of my seemingly constant commitment to failure, but I finally went back on medication. My psychiatrist put me on wellbutrin for my dysthymia. I'm still adjusting to them, for the past few days I've been really moody and twitchy. I really hope this stuff works out. I'm so sick of never feeling good about anything...
In other news, drunken WiiFit is really funny to watch! One our only Chicagoan friends, Raye came over yesterday, and the three of proceeded to drink most of a case of Strongbow (I had exactly two, about an hour and half after drinking a New Castle, can't drink too much with these pills for now.) We watched Wristcutters finally! And it was just as good as underserving said it was, even if the ending was a bit predictable and ham fisted, but at least it wasn't Garden State!
I also finally got around to putting a SNES emulator on PIp-Boy (my MacBook Pro.) Super Mario RPG and Earthbound! FTW!
Oh, and I bought Marathon 2: Durandal from XBox Live Arcade, cause I couldn't get the first one to work on either Pip-Boy or my MacMini...SAD! Infinity doesn't work either, and I really wanted to play them again! Ok, let me rephrase, they technically work, but they lag so badly and control so poorly that I can't even move around the maps, let alone kill the Pfor! So, I just can't play them on either of my computers! And, actually, I never even played Infinity...I DON'T KNOW HOW MARATHON ENDS!!! SADX1075943781024765921942379659!!! Ok...maybe they'll work better on someone else's machine...or a Window's box or something...*sigh* sad...But, Durandal is sweet! And actually way easier than I remember it being...
Ok, I guess that's it.
Until next time, Blogoshpere!
In other news, drunken WiiFit is really funny to watch! One our only Chicagoan friends, Raye came over yesterday, and the three of proceeded to drink most of a case of Strongbow (I had exactly two, about an hour and half after drinking a New Castle, can't drink too much with these pills for now.) We watched Wristcutters finally! And it was just as good as underserving said it was, even if the ending was a bit predictable and ham fisted, but at least it wasn't Garden State!
I also finally got around to putting a SNES emulator on PIp-Boy (my MacBook Pro.) Super Mario RPG and Earthbound! FTW!
Oh, and I bought Marathon 2: Durandal from XBox Live Arcade, cause I couldn't get the first one to work on either Pip-Boy or my MacMini...SAD! Infinity doesn't work either, and I really wanted to play them again! Ok, let me rephrase, they technically work, but they lag so badly and control so poorly that I can't even move around the maps, let alone kill the Pfor! So, I just can't play them on either of my computers! And, actually, I never even played Infinity...I DON'T KNOW HOW MARATHON ENDS!!! SADX1075943781024765921942379659!!! Ok...maybe they'll work better on someone else's machine...or a Window's box or something...*sigh* sad...But, Durandal is sweet! And actually way easier than I remember it being...
Ok, I guess that's it.
Until next time, Blogoshpere!
oh no need a comment from you is enough to keep me smiling for weeks on end
