I love this city. I always forget how huge it is though...It took us over an hour to get downtown to see a movie on Sunday...AN HOUR! Even it rush hour traffic (that would be theoretical rush hour traffic, as all the roads that lead to downtown aren't really that busy during rush hour) in Milwaukee getting downtown from our old place took about ten seconds! Whoa...honestly, its a bit intimidating.
I've been trying to find bike shops around town to shop for a new road bike frame, parts and tools. But the ironic thing is, from the looks of all but the one my friend Chris suggested, none of them are even within biking distance of my apartment! Well...I guess since Chicago is so flat though, longer distances aren't as bad as hill ridden Milwaukee. We'll see I guess. I did find a bicycle co/op shop, but is all the way down by UIC, past downtown, sorta...yikes! That's really far! At least most of the buses in this town have bike racks on the front...
Saturday undeserving came down and he, ectasia and I went to see The Queers, Lemuria, Bomb The Music Industry, Andrew Jackson Jihad and Kepi Ghoulie. Obviously, it was an amazing show. Surprise of the night? Andrew Jackson Jihad being WAY better than I thought they were...crap! Though, I think I'm a bit too old, or out of shape to be right on the barricade. Either that, or people suck...cause I couldn't breathe and I almost seriously injured myself about a dozen times! But, a fun time was had by all!
Thursday, some good old Milwaukee friends of mine will be in town playing someplace or another...and Sunday is freaking Ted Leo! For a five dollar donation!!! OMFG!
I've been trying to find bike shops around town to shop for a new road bike frame, parts and tools. But the ironic thing is, from the looks of all but the one my friend Chris suggested, none of them are even within biking distance of my apartment! Well...I guess since Chicago is so flat though, longer distances aren't as bad as hill ridden Milwaukee. We'll see I guess. I did find a bicycle co/op shop, but is all the way down by UIC, past downtown, sorta...yikes! That's really far! At least most of the buses in this town have bike racks on the front...
Saturday undeserving came down and he, ectasia and I went to see The Queers, Lemuria, Bomb The Music Industry, Andrew Jackson Jihad and Kepi Ghoulie. Obviously, it was an amazing show. Surprise of the night? Andrew Jackson Jihad being WAY better than I thought they were...crap! Though, I think I'm a bit too old, or out of shape to be right on the barricade. Either that, or people suck...cause I couldn't breathe and I almost seriously injured myself about a dozen times! But, a fun time was had by all!
Thursday, some good old Milwaukee friends of mine will be in town playing someplace or another...and Sunday is freaking Ted Leo! For a five dollar donation!!! OMFG!
and Sunday is freaking Ted Leo! For a five dollar donation!!! OMFG!
ted leo is my homeboy
....no really