i was asked to join Two Room Honeymoon.

well...ok, i was asked to "sit in" at thier next show, cause they're thinking about adding a keyboard player. but, yeah...
our friend Karen is moving in. and we're getting a CAT!

i think Sharon and i have a pretty good plan to work around the fact that she is VERY allergic. i hope this works out well...

um...i guess that's it. Jason and i are rocking the "Brad-free" house! we're getting a "tinkering room" and painting a lot.
so, i'm sick. been sick for about five days. it blows.

my first exam is tomorrow. math. i'm pretty sure i'm going to do amazing (see: fail horribly).

this is what's up for basic for the next week:
100ft roll assignment due on monday. (various excersizes to be shot on one 100ft roll of film, lighting, tripod shot [wtf?!], slow motion shots [shoot to edit,...
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goddamn...i need some new pictures! all of the ones i have of myself are really old!

i also need to work on getting internet back at our house, and cleaning my room!

things to do this weekend:

go to American Science And Surplus, Lost World of Wonders,and Mike C's.
date with ectasia.
show tomorrow at 8th Nut.

in other news: stuipd STUPID STUPID!
Q: How many punks does it take to screw in a light bulb?
+ one ska/new wave (can it really still be called new wave? things can't be called new forever you know. but then again, old wave and/or middle wave just don't have as much pizzaz do they? anywho...i digress) kid to totally miss the Dillenger 4 song title reference.
school is all started. so i'm stressed out. that, and the fact that my computer lives at ectasia's means that i'm never really online, except at work, and at work i can't look at SG...cause it's "porn."

so, yeah...

but, it's the weekend now! (no school on friday!) and i am quick updating and putting some new music on my iPod before i go home....
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i start class tomorrow. at 9am.

it is now 1:11am. i am still awake. WIDE awake.


because i spent all of break playing video games until 7am, and sleeping to 4pm.

so, now i can't sleep.

thank god for 8th Note. free coffee is a god send, seriously.
Happy Birthday!
my semester starts tomorrow! please dont take this as me being excited. smile
i was going to get my ears stretched today.
and then ectasia and i were going to do something "fun" (ie: spend money we don't really have/shouldn't spend).
but now, she is reading Wicked, and i'm being lazy...

i'm going to see if i can salvage whats left of this day...

oh, and i'm still deciding wether or not to go to Mad Planet...
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Disco's new profile pic is very eye catching!
oh, and did i mention hot?

i'm such a dude.

spring break, brah!

oh, and i read too much Penny Arcade.


earlier, before a short nap that was interupted by Mike Jones showing off his "whips" (what? i love Cribs!), i went through an apartment with ectasia. it was a nice...
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i have to go to work in seven minutes.
i spend all four hours of work on the internet.
so, why am i on the internet now? looking at porn of course!
i can't do that at work.

it's RamRod's (undeserving) birthday today. too bad i have to work...or i'd take him out and show him a good time...or something.

i've been thinking...
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so long as you keep refering to me as a "saucy bitch", you can jump on whatever bandwagon you want.
i guess this means i'm back for good. i set up my computer at Ectasia's like i said i was going to. downloading stuff from Soulseex and looking at porn again...it doesn't get much better than this!

now, if only Kamil hadn't stopped being a member i could send him goofy shit again...*sigh*

oh, i updated my 'wishlist'. if you are feeling VERY generous and...
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where in the Shaw are u at? i live sort of by sunset and oakdale.
update: no internet at the Cambridge estate. i'm moving my fucking computer to ectasia's house! damn all of this!

hopefully we'll be out of that house soon enough...*sigh*

yeah, so...i spend a lot of time here, so maybe i'll update more often, but i don't really have much to say...except that ectasia, underserving and i went to the mall today, she (ectasia) got an awesome...
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internet is down at our house. so until further notice, i'm gone. last update for a while...

ectasia and i are back together. go be her friend, she's hella cool, ya'll. she's going to buy me a Chrome bag today, cause its our "one year" anniversary!

so, yeah...i stretched my ears to 0ga two days ago, and last night in my sleep my ear rejected...
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ear cheese is so nasty!
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