I don't post much on here about Suicide Girls, but...

I'm having a crappy day because I noticed just now that I accidently purchased Adobe Web Standard instead of Adobe Creative Suite, because they were right next to one another and were the same price! But, james has a new set...so things really can't be that bad. love love love

Current rock: The Ergs!
yeah, but i'm out of taco dip. so now i just got home from work and stuck my truck in the snow at the curb. there's still a foot of snow, and now i want taco dip.

i am an asshole.
Can we say new Mac Book Pro?!?!

Oh hell yes!

It is most definitely one of the nicest things I've ever owned...oh, how I love it so!

I guess that's about it.
So yeah, I have decided to quit drinking. Pretty quick turn around I guess. But honestly, I know its for the best. I'm not going to say that it has strengthened my resolve and that now I'm 100% true till death or something like that. I won't see saw back and forth forever. I just know that alcohol doesn't make anything better for me. 99%...
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either way, i'll support you duder. smile
Congrats on being Xanax free for so long! Way 2 go! smile
I REALLY need to get out more.

Last night was fun.

Oh, and I think I'm going to quit drinking...again.

woah awesome tree!
im the same with how i am with my family sans the skinny part haha so i totally know how that feels. sucks dude but it doesnt sound like ur holiday was that shitty so put it behind you and on with a happy new year!
occupation: art student, part time computer nerd, Aquacadet

marry meeeee lol
haha i figured tongue
The semester is over.

Honestly, I can say that this past year has been the most stressful of my life. I'll be both glad and excited to see it go. I think I'm finally prepared to start looking to the future instead of just existing day to day.

All I know is I'm happy right now, more or less, and I can't wait to see...
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Oooh...basically a double-post from my oh-so-random LJ...

It feels so amazing to be able to come home and be 100% comfortable with her. I still can't quite believe that I met someone who makes me so totally ok with just being myself, even though I'm totally weird...and lame. I mean come on, she bought me a Protoman action figure the last time we were at...
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To go out, or not to go out...

Or, more precisely...to go buy the new Tony Hawk game then come home and play it, or to go get breakfast at the Bremen Cafe and visit my friend Dave AND THEN go get the new Tony Hawk...

THAT is the question.
Good, good. I like your blogs.

Hope you went with Plan B... y'know, since it's too late to persuade you and such. biggrin
Thanks for your comment on my set!!

Honestly...sometimes I disgust myself.

I need to figure my shit out.

In other less, vague and emo news...I'm actually doing well in school this semester, and I had an interview with University Creative Services this week. Hopefully that pans out, I'd like to have a job I actually enjoyed again. That'd be sweet.

Also, I've been slowly reviving my DVD collection and I bought an...
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I can honestly say, I don't know what I'm doing anymore...
Or rather, I'm no longer sure what I want for myself, or from myself.

Except that I want to get a new crank, rims, and brake/gear housings for my bike. Oh, and some lights, fenders and a cargo rack...and pegs. haha.

I need to spend some honest bro-down time with my straightedge friends.
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I know the feeling of not knowing what you're doing far too well lately. I feel like I'm in a rut. Hopefully, you and I can both work ourselves out of this feeling.

Mmm bro-down time. Please invite me. I'm very much like hanging out with another dude. LOL.
Hm, I wonder where you've gone off to...
Become a lurker?
Or become a contributing member of society...

New AIM name!


My little personal tribute to Stan Brahkage...

Ok, I'm going to bed, next to her...finally!
