Rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated. Mostly by me. But then I do have the habit of becoming overly dramatic when sick. One bad flu and I'm all Last Will and Testament. Getting my affairs in order. I become Cameron.
"I'm dying."
"You're not dying, you just can't think of anything good to do."
So needless to say, my weekend was a bust. Friday night the coughing starts. By Saturday afternoon I was nauseous and with fever. That evening I'm on the couch in front of the television, a quivering mess under a doona, watching the last two episodes of Lost and being very confused.
Mental note: add watch Lost to list of things not to do when running a fever.
Oh, and the fact that my original plan for Saturday night was to stay in and watch the last two episodes of Lost is irrelevant. My condition totally ruined the evening. And the point is, if I did want to go out and do something exciting and last minute - don't laugh, it could happen - I wouldn't have been able to.
So then we reach Monday and I'm up and about again, and apart from some mild nausea, coughing and the occasional sneezing fit, I'm ok to go to work.
In all seriousness, I'm kinda over being sick all the time. I've been sick like, three times in the past two months. And I'll be the first to admit that perhaps this recent spate of illness could've been avoided if I had been taking better care of myself. Like, say if I was to eat a vegetable occasionally. This was made pretty clear to me the other night when I decided to make myself some sort of healthy chicken and vegetable with rice dish, only to realise that I didn't have any chicken purchased this year, and my vegetable drawer contained not much more than half a red onion and a kinda wrinkled capsicum.
And I was also out of rice.
Now, how does one run out of rice? Surely that's just something that you just always have. Something that's just perpetually topped-up by some sort of rice-fairy. Trying to not let this deter me, I thought I'd be clever and replace the rice with two minute noodles and the chicken with more onion. Just like being a student again.
Then I find that my two minute noodles are past expiry.
So it seems I've got a little restocking to do. I dread to think of how many items in my cupboard and fridge that I've just been assuming to be ready for consumption, that are actually on the verge of becoming sentient life.
For those of you interested in the source of the quote in my previous post, it can be found in one of my most favorite music videos of all time, here. This was the only copy I could find I'm afraid. If anyone could point me towards a higher quality, downloadable version, I would be eternally grateful.
"I'm dying."
"You're not dying, you just can't think of anything good to do."
So needless to say, my weekend was a bust. Friday night the coughing starts. By Saturday afternoon I was nauseous and with fever. That evening I'm on the couch in front of the television, a quivering mess under a doona, watching the last two episodes of Lost and being very confused.
Mental note: add watch Lost to list of things not to do when running a fever.
Oh, and the fact that my original plan for Saturday night was to stay in and watch the last two episodes of Lost is irrelevant. My condition totally ruined the evening. And the point is, if I did want to go out and do something exciting and last minute - don't laugh, it could happen - I wouldn't have been able to.
So then we reach Monday and I'm up and about again, and apart from some mild nausea, coughing and the occasional sneezing fit, I'm ok to go to work.
In all seriousness, I'm kinda over being sick all the time. I've been sick like, three times in the past two months. And I'll be the first to admit that perhaps this recent spate of illness could've been avoided if I had been taking better care of myself. Like, say if I was to eat a vegetable occasionally. This was made pretty clear to me the other night when I decided to make myself some sort of healthy chicken and vegetable with rice dish, only to realise that I didn't have any chicken purchased this year, and my vegetable drawer contained not much more than half a red onion and a kinda wrinkled capsicum.
And I was also out of rice.
Now, how does one run out of rice? Surely that's just something that you just always have. Something that's just perpetually topped-up by some sort of rice-fairy. Trying to not let this deter me, I thought I'd be clever and replace the rice with two minute noodles and the chicken with more onion. Just like being a student again.
Then I find that my two minute noodles are past expiry.
So it seems I've got a little restocking to do. I dread to think of how many items in my cupboard and fridge that I've just been assuming to be ready for consumption, that are actually on the verge of becoming sentient life.
For those of you interested in the source of the quote in my previous post, it can be found in one of my most favorite music videos of all time, here. This was the only copy I could find I'm afraid. If anyone could point me towards a higher quality, downloadable version, I would be eternally grateful.
Get better soon!
I love your always cool interesting journals
Happy birthday also xxx