I spent the majority of this past thursday evening at a trappist monastery talking with monks and touring the grounds. I know it may seem way off for most of you that only know me through my internet persona, but almost everything about the monastic lifestyle appeals to me, and it's something I've always been drawn to. The "almost", of which I speak, really has to do with Jesus, and organized religions in general. I've never been one for Christianity or anything of that sort, but I think if I were, this would be something I would seriously consider. I've always been strangely attracted to the idea of living a minimalist life, and I really appreciate a lot of the ideals that these people live for. Obviously, wanting and doing are two completely different things, and I'm not saying I'm going to join a monastery, but I like to laugh at the idea of how ironic it is that I find myself so attracted to a Christian contemplative life. It really is a beautiful thing if you can set aside all the hypocritical Christianity stuff..
I'm not sure if I would be able to go without vegan doughnuts and dried bananas though.. I mean come on, a boy's got needs!
I'm not sure if I would be able to go without vegan doughnuts and dried bananas though.. I mean come on, a boy's got needs!
you don't need to go some place to renunciate?
ooh hi.