I need more than this latley, it just isn't enough, but at the same time sometimes it is just too much.
i just deleted my first 3 sets....I'm kinda a little sad and wondering if it was a mistake, part of me didnt wanna just dispose of them coz its something i did and loved once and should just accept that as a part of my life and not just something erasable.....but at the same time they pretty much sucked balls...shittiest quality ever, I didnt realise how bad until I just looked through them again and there was many pics where i was just like what the fuck was i thinking putting that on display! Anyway this rant has a purpose...we need more sets
And the kitten has a severe case of the stinky bums!
I know what you mean
I shot a new set for ValGal it is called death mobile and it is great so everyone should go and look at it I will now attempt to make a link however I am quite stupid so it most likley won't work but look at it any way it is in the hopfuls. really how hard is it for you to just go and...
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I say the set few days ago and I liked it a lot! Good luck with it... :-)
and thanks for your comment on mine too!
Good luck on the hunting for a job hun, should find one no problem although the money side is always a catch.many's the day i've crawled out of work with burning eyes smelling like a fryer, but its a living of sorts.Keep smiling honey wink
Well I am going to shoot a new set next sunday if it is sunny, Might even shoot one for ValGal on the same day. Not telling what the themes will be as ValGal informed me that there are others that may try to steal them. Well I never That is just rudy rude rude I will say. I am sleepy but I am waiting...
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Occupational hazard like the cuts hehe...thats cool thanks to you to biggrin
Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Amilie, happy birthday to you!!!!!
Hope you like your presents...which i still havent wrapped...and hope you had a good day even though you had to work....which you only have yourself to blame for, you with your stupid work ethic....and you know what would be weird if the cake i made you tasted like kitchen counter..... confused

Oh and where the fuck are our sets????????
Can't sleep oh god I need to sleep surreal
dont u hate it when clowns will eat u if u go to sleep?
btw LOOOVE your pics
Thank you hun kiss

you are really cute XD
I have found a name finally that I think I will stick with. I have been ToxicKitten, Teacup and FifiLa in just a few months but I do think that this one (Amilie) will stick it is simple and not lame and I likes it. I am hoping to shoot a new set soon it is just a matter of finding the time. Any way...
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Oh kiddo you crack me up! For fuck sakes please keep this name, I cant keep up with all the changes. Bullshit you dont cry yourself to sleep...I'm in the next room love I can hear everything...EVERYTHING... blush whatever eeek shocked !!!!! Shit that probably means you can hear me! Yeah coz I'm gettin heaps of action lately! battery operated action is better than nothin...fuck you with your boyfriend, that doesnt mean I want a three way...Oh dear I'm diggin a hole arent I?!
Anywaaaaay, yes indeed lets shoot another set! Its great fun!
So you just got home...make me a fucken cup of tea! This is how its gonna be isnt....communicating through this even though were home together, its kinda fucked up but amusing at the same time!
Love ValGal
P.S I only read this shit coz your mum wont fuck me if I dont biggrin
ValGal has A new set up in the hopfulls and it was shoot by me. It is the absolute bomb and everyone should check it out and post lots of good coments beacuse if you don't I will get really sad and when i get really sad the only thing that cheers me up is tearing your mums vagina and killing little kittens. I didn't...
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You're a sick mafucker.....and judging by my pathetic little comments list it turns out your friends are too.
P.S I was just pickin my nose and I smelt ya mum
the pics u took of the above are awesome please don,t cause no harm gal
Finally got the internet at my new home so I can start getting used to using this hole blog thing regularly. I am trying to decide what to do for my next set so any ideas would be more than welccome. I have A few in mind but I just can't chose which to do next and I would like to try and get one...
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Welcome to SG,
want to join SGAU read here first.
Yes I just got the internet at home too...what a coincidink!! I think whatever set you choose to do next it'll be cool coz you'll be in it......and I think you should stick with your photographer, that person did a really great job whoever he or she may be!! bok .......and you said it had no purpose
Lets try this blog thingy then I had a break thruogh today, my cunt of an ex employer triyed to rip me off and not pay me the money he owed me but after a little "gental persuation" with no threats involved (I swear) he payed up thats one for me scumbag. It also feels good that I will never have to work in his...
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There's so many dodgy fuck ass operators in hospitality.
thankfully, due to the 'skills shortage" chefs don't go to put up with those giant douches.