This leads to #2...
never heard of it, go check it out. You can look at other peoples song on iTunes, it recommends you artists
based on whatever you are listening to, you can see what all your friends are listening to at the moment and
recommend songs for them, and theres a ton of music clips. Its kinda neat.
Dilemma...very interesting. So far the first chapter is all about corn. Sounds boring, but corn is ridiculously
fascinating, and I had no idea. I bet you didn't know that either.

now. He's my lil' buddy. He's outlived two fishbowlmates and is still struggling to survive. What a trooper. He
keeps getting worse and worse and then all of a sudden springs back to life, its amazing.

My fish-love.
I went mostly just for fun. I had a friend who was living there that I was going to visit. Unfortunately, after I bought the ticket, he had to come back to the states. So, I ended up just going anyways on my own.
every time I see your profile pic it makes me want to do this