Wow....I've been practically non-existent on here for over a month. Its very sad. Now that I have a midterm to write tonight by midnight, its the perfect time to post a grand update. Nothing much has happened in that month really. Well actually that's a lie.
There has been a lot of drama back in my hometown with my lil' sister.
So here is her story:
October of grade 10 (this year) she gets kicked out of high school for poor attendance. Now she has moved out of my parents house and in with this 19 year old guy in an entire different city claiming shes going to get a job and rent a room in his place (owned by this strict catholic lady who strongly disagrees with premarital cohabitation). A month goes by and the landlady shows up and kicks her out of the house.
~oh god, if i don't leave out parts of this story its going to be a novel! I just find it so fascinating! ~
She moves into my grandparents house because my parents won't let her in the house alone because of her lying, stealing, and making 6-hour long distance phone calls. She gets a nighttime cleaning job at a school and lasts 10 MINUTES before she calls my grandmother crying that its too hard (mopping floors I might add).
A few weeks later, 20 minutes before we leave for my mom's birthday dinner, my sister calls and tells my mom she isn't coming, my grandparents were dropping her off and shes going to live with this guy again to help him pack because they were moving in to a new place at the end of the week.
I don't know who to feel sorry for. Where do I get myself involved?
Stick up for my sister? not very bright, yet determined. Claims she'll go back to school in September, can't live in my parents "hell-hole" where the dog gets more attention than she does. I can never tell when shes telling the truth or making up stories randomly, pointlessly, and often hurtfully
My mom? Stubborn, and often childish, hurting inside from losing her youngest daughter (I can tell because all of sudden she calls me 4 times a week and spoils me rotten when I see her), really does pay more attention to the dog.
oh small-town drama.
and now the drama back home?
I get home from my chaotic visit home (where I also had to write a midterm) and find my boyfriend isn't home. I open the fridge and there is a bottle of omega-3 supplements.....with a picture of SEALS on the bottle.
I remember him telling me he was participating in a study and getting paid $150 to take these capsules daily and doing surveys. So anyway, i read the ingredients and find out these capsules are harp seal oil encapsulated in gelatin capsules. I was shocked, and hurt....not necessarily angry, but I felt betrayed. Think of something you care about a lot....and issue, and then think of someone you love, and who you believe cares about you, doing the exact OPPOSITE thing. He brings up the point that he isn't killing seals, and the company uses leftover blubber after inuits are finished eating the seals ( you believe everything you read?), and the product was already on the market before he took this study. Which one of us is right? Did he betray me? or am I overreacting.
Now, in other other news I bathed the guinea pigs today and cut their hair. I also made sushi. Equally fun.
Tomorrow my London ex-roomies are coming over, as well as my childhood best friend. We are going to eat mushrooms and frolic in the forest.
Heres some pictures for you of my day.... cute huh?
I'll tell you all about tomorrow...well...tomorrow....or tomorrow's tomorrow.
There has been a lot of drama back in my hometown with my lil' sister.
So here is her story:
October of grade 10 (this year) she gets kicked out of high school for poor attendance. Now she has moved out of my parents house and in with this 19 year old guy in an entire different city claiming shes going to get a job and rent a room in his place (owned by this strict catholic lady who strongly disagrees with premarital cohabitation). A month goes by and the landlady shows up and kicks her out of the house.
~oh god, if i don't leave out parts of this story its going to be a novel! I just find it so fascinating! ~
She moves into my grandparents house because my parents won't let her in the house alone because of her lying, stealing, and making 6-hour long distance phone calls. She gets a nighttime cleaning job at a school and lasts 10 MINUTES before she calls my grandmother crying that its too hard (mopping floors I might add).
A few weeks later, 20 minutes before we leave for my mom's birthday dinner, my sister calls and tells my mom she isn't coming, my grandparents were dropping her off and shes going to live with this guy again to help him pack because they were moving in to a new place at the end of the week.
I don't know who to feel sorry for. Where do I get myself involved?
Stick up for my sister? not very bright, yet determined. Claims she'll go back to school in September, can't live in my parents "hell-hole" where the dog gets more attention than she does. I can never tell when shes telling the truth or making up stories randomly, pointlessly, and often hurtfully
My mom? Stubborn, and often childish, hurting inside from losing her youngest daughter (I can tell because all of sudden she calls me 4 times a week and spoils me rotten when I see her), really does pay more attention to the dog.
oh small-town drama.
and now the drama back home?
I get home from my chaotic visit home (where I also had to write a midterm) and find my boyfriend isn't home. I open the fridge and there is a bottle of omega-3 supplements.....with a picture of SEALS on the bottle.
I remember him telling me he was participating in a study and getting paid $150 to take these capsules daily and doing surveys. So anyway, i read the ingredients and find out these capsules are harp seal oil encapsulated in gelatin capsules. I was shocked, and hurt....not necessarily angry, but I felt betrayed. Think of something you care about a lot....and issue, and then think of someone you love, and who you believe cares about you, doing the exact OPPOSITE thing. He brings up the point that he isn't killing seals, and the company uses leftover blubber after inuits are finished eating the seals ( you believe everything you read?), and the product was already on the market before he took this study. Which one of us is right? Did he betray me? or am I overreacting.
Now, in other other news I bathed the guinea pigs today and cut their hair. I also made sushi. Equally fun.
Tomorrow my London ex-roomies are coming over, as well as my childhood best friend. We are going to eat mushrooms and frolic in the forest.
Heres some pictures for you of my day.... cute huh?

I'll tell you all about tomorrow...well...tomorrow....or tomorrow's tomorrow.
I just read that and I am boggled at how you just are in the middle of so much drama, I hope you can weather it all and have it turn out well, somehow. But on a positive note that guinnea pig is SO CUTE!!

Very cute little critters!