Taking into consideration the sagelike wisdom of Cattra, and fearing I may anger the masters, Ive changed my name to reflect my love of what I consider John Waters best work, But if course Id say that, Im a film geek.Anyways, once again Suicide girls os the highlight of my life, i never can find anything interesting to do here and if I do i usually get bored with it because I have no one to do it with.
sigh, my birthday cant get here soon enough, then Ill get more vacation time in the states.
I need to find a way of becoming a resident of colorado before I get out of the army so I can go to college there for about a quarter of the price an out of state student goes for.
sigh, my birthday cant get here soon enough, then Ill get more vacation time in the states.
I need to find a way of becoming a resident of colorado before I get out of the army so I can go to college there for about a quarter of the price an out of state student goes for.
Also sorry for taking forever to reply, I'm all over the place recently and never can get to a working computer.