I don't have the exact date, but this year marks my 20th year here on SG @missy

Happy anniversary!

I have been feeling pretty good about my health recently. In the past 6 months I have lost a stone and a half! Just a few adjustments to my diet and walking to work etc.. I have definitely lost my Dad bod pot belly 🤣

I was going to post a couple of risqué pictures but apparently even if you spoiler them you still get...
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Happy Birthday SG land, proud to say I have been here for 17 of those!

Wow you've been here for so long 🤩

Good grief my libido is up the wall at the moment, I seem to have a mild crush on every girl I know or meet. I of course dont act on any of this but gezz its crazy I get hot and flustered in their presence, I feel like I'm a teenager again haha.

I'm putting this one down to may age, maybe I'm starting...
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Hey all,

Back in 2017 I decided to chase a dream of mine and became a full time prop maker, and I have been loving it ever since! Its hard work being self-employed but the pay off makes it all worth it.

As a side project in my spare time I have been building a Star Wars BB8, I recently finished him, check it out....
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So on the weekend me and a couple of my friends decided to take a trip to a abandoned theme park that holds a lot of memories for us from our youth. Its only been 3 years since its closure and nature has well and truly taken over.

Camelot Theme Park

As a added bonus I took my 360 camera, check those pics out here...
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That looks amazing!!! I love the fleeting feel of abandoned things! ❤️ It makes me realize that the world is bigger then just humans and what we create 😀 It's amazing!
I love abandoned places 😍

I have been a member on this sight since 2004 and virtually no one I know, knows I am a member. I was thinking to myself what others do? If you post nudes do you worry your friends or family will see it. do you care?

I'm convinced that one day I will find someone I know on here and it will be all awkward...
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The worry is real about finding someone on here that you know but I've been a memeber a long time as well and so far have not. All you can do is not be creepy if it happens and let it ride. That would be my advise but I have not had that issue happen so I'm not the best person for advice on this.
I think with being a model on here and really any job that requires nudity and the public you just kind of accept the fact that people are going to see your bits. It can be a little embarrassing to think about but when it's all said and done countless other people have seen you naked so what's the difference of family members. I personally told my Mom (I tell her pretty much everything) and although she didn't agree she didn't try and stop me. I know not every one has that in their life but that's how it worked out for me. I personally am proud of what I have created so if someone found out and tried to make me bad however that may be I think I'd tell them to fuck off. That they can make their own decisions and I'll make mine and if they can't respect that then I don't need that sort of negativity in my life. .. I rambled a bit 😊 💕

Makes a good bookmark @lilymai ;) Thanks very much and I look forward to your next set!

OOoo darling i am sooo flattered!!!!! :3 that's amazing and glad you like it xxxxx