Im home from Europe now, and of course now I have the dose of wanderlust. Its really killing me. Ive started reading about deserts, so Im thinking maybe when I get a chance I can explore some of the US deserts. Fun fun fun! Its still good to be home, though. I travelled alone for a while, but I met a lot of people at the hostels I stayed at, and on the whole the trip was absolutely incredible. I started in Paris, then went does to Toulouse, then to Barcelona. Then I took the train from Barcelona along the coast of Frane to Milan, then just worked my way down to Venice, Florence, Naples, and finally Rome! It was so fun! I think Paris has the best nightlife, and Venice was the most beautiful, although it wasnt as fun because I was there by myself. Im uploading and cropping pictures now, so Ill probably do a post for those in a few days. Love you guys!
The Siberian trip is all me though. Alma wants nary a thing to do with trekking across a frozen hell on a train for a week. The railroad ticket is the $900-$1100, round trip airfare to and from Moscow is just shy of a grand, and a one way airfare from Vladivostok back to Moscow to catch a return flight is required as well. Will have to talk to an actual travel agent to hook all of that up, but I'm guessing the whole trip to run about 3500 to 4k (per individual) to do it right. Aaaand it probably wouldn't hurt to bring a couple extra pairs of Levis to trade for a little international goodwill.