hmmm...oh the sleepless nights and the lazy days. i think it has something to do with the fact that i sit in my bed on the laptop with all my free time.
i have been so lazy lately. waiting for the enery to come, it doesnt,
the motivation has been terrible. the only thing i have motivation for is being lazy.
on another note,
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i only just now saw your comment on my first journal entry smile

not a matter of just dumping, since we're married and have kids. the reason i am still there? a looooooot of backstory. in most cases i'd agree on the cheating, but after considering the circumstances i decided he deserved another chance.

and while he does things that upset me or make me feel crappy, he does MORE things that are pretty generous and sweet. you'll probably get a more complete picture as my journal goes on...

it's a long road and a lot of hard work.
Hey - we all feel this way from time to time, and at least you appear to have sufficient self-knowledge to recognise some of the causes of your current dissatisfaction. Hang in there and try to get out of that bed now and then. You'll be fine x
ugh. today i had the biggest headache ever... my iron is low and im cranky
i left work early just to sit home on the computer. listenig to my friend making comments about how hot my lil sister is..
gawd this scares me.
she is starting to draw attetnion from men, i will have to start beating men up. i guess the fact that she...
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compliments are always weird to accept
i have trouble believing people would find something in me that they would want to comment on, positively anyway
but im working on it
but heres one for you...
you look really good with glassess
well, and without too, but i digress
ugh landlord will be here again tom. we have been having issues with out shower leaking down in the neighbors apt. so he has been here 3 times and finally it is being fixed. i have tried to be understanding but the fact that i cant take showers
while it is being worked on.I have this minor obsession with showering, i have to take at...
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ive been chilling with guy i have been friends with for years now. we both seem to have n interest in eachother.
however ther is a weirdness within. he is much different than the guys i tend to date. it kinda scares me tat i may have found some1 that can give me everything i deserve and vise versa...
bizarre thinking that possibly a friend...
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good for you. i'm happy for you, this dude better be dad material, you need someone like that. friendship is the best base for a relationship, every successful pair that i've seen has started out as a friendship that evolved. don't be scared to take the risk of changing your habits, you've weathered many a storm and are one of the strongest women i've known.

my phone is back on, but i forgot your number. call me and we can do that thing. i'm leaving for the weekend early tomorrow morning, but if you get this tonight call me. if i don't hear from you tonight, i'll be home on sunday morning, so call me then.
I guess i will finally admitt to myself how fucked up i am.
It seems that i have denied the fact that ive been suffering from what they like to call bulemia for about 12 years now. I have tried to convince myself that i am overreacting but fact being that i am now four months pregnant and i have not been able to take...
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good luck hun, i know youll be ok and everytying will work out. youre a strong person.
we all have that one thing that hanuts us taht we cant quite overcome.
its always a struggle, but you seem like youre on the right path.
if you need anything, let me know.
day off, went to see my dog today( gave her to an awesome family so she can be taken care of right) frown it is for the best. She is doing awesome! seems really happy and she has a kid around that loves the attention. i have to call vets and make appointments for her. that was the deal.
I must clean my room today it...
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That must have been so hard giving up your dog, sounds like you did the righ thing though...

I think prego bellies are very sexy. Women glow when they're pregnant...
hmmm past few days have been interesting.
besides the fact that the locals are all freaking out about this ethan allen boat thing in lake george.
it is terribe i admit. but, if youve ever been to that town and seen the people that run rides.
i feel like an ass for speaking such bitter words. however,
3/4 of the village is filled with foreigners...
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typical sunday worked till 2, early day
did laundry,
i actually folded it and put it neatlyin the basket! now if i take care of it before it gets tossed around looking for stuff. i hate laundry.
i usually end up buying more clothing so i dont have to worry about washing so quickly.

ran into my stalker ( what a blast) asshole starred...
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Holy Shit you live in Glens Falls... I am so, so, so, so, sorry.

I grew up in Saratoga (well, Middle Grove), and my mother currently lives in Luzerne...

Once again, so sorry.
Ah... Yes, Great Sex, breakfast of champions. Or perhaps you prefer, "Great Sex, its what's for dinner"?
day off. went to the doctors and heard the heartbeat of the baby. the most intense feeling iv'e yet to have.
overall things are going quite well. The apartment is starting to look and feel like a home.
work has been going well.
I have been doing alot of soul searching in the past 3 months and i have come to the conclusion that the...
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Wow, don't ask for much..... do ya.

hehe.... grownups are hard to find, I know.
hey whats up
tday started with a bit of stress, had a business review today.
so corporate was there with there white gloves and magnifying glass.
those fuckers got nothing on me,.
the store rocked!
i have alot of work but overall it is 110% better than it was last year when i took it over.
the owner took us to dinner after work for rocking and then...
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man, i could really use $100 right now.
sounds like a good weekend with hardcore and balloons.
im so glad you met a nice guy, its about time the nice ones started getting so recognition. i hope he realy is a nice guy and not a tool in disguise
im sooooooo excited for halloween its my favorite holiday, but ive been slacking this year and have no clue what to be. any suggestions?