6 am tom. morning i will be going in to have brenden..
the past few days have been so overwhelming.. i have not been able to sleep and i think i have been causing my own insanity... I think i am as ready as i can be for this.
The father has been simply wonderful considering 4 months ago he hated me and thought i should give myself haha...
I think daddyhood has forced him to grow up a bit. I can honestly say i think i can remain frineds with him now.. thank gawd!
the boyfriend has been amazing... I swear for a man that has never been with a pregnant women he is fantastic!He is there for me for everything. we have been together for a bit over a month... so of course i was very prgnant when we hooked up... so there was no hiding.. he has been there for the tough part i think and makes me feel wonderful...
it is so nice to have a man that appreciates you jumps for you even when he isnt asked... yes i know it is a new one so things could change, but hey..... if things stay as well as they are i will be falling head over heals for him and he may just be the one.. I cant help but fear thigns will change when i have brenden.... but i tend to always think worst case senerio....
hmm.. i took a few pics today of me ready to explode.... perhaps i will edit and post...

the past few days have been so overwhelming.. i have not been able to sleep and i think i have been causing my own insanity... I think i am as ready as i can be for this.
The father has been simply wonderful considering 4 months ago he hated me and thought i should give myself haha...
I think daddyhood has forced him to grow up a bit. I can honestly say i think i can remain frineds with him now.. thank gawd!
the boyfriend has been amazing... I swear for a man that has never been with a pregnant women he is fantastic!He is there for me for everything. we have been together for a bit over a month... so of course i was very prgnant when we hooked up... so there was no hiding.. he has been there for the tough part i think and makes me feel wonderful...
it is so nice to have a man that appreciates you jumps for you even when he isnt asked... yes i know it is a new one so things could change, but hey..... if things stay as well as they are i will be falling head over heals for him and he may just be the one.. I cant help but fear thigns will change when i have brenden.... but i tend to always think worst case senerio....
hmm.. i took a few pics today of me ready to explode.... perhaps i will edit and post...

Wishing you lots of good wishes. 

Wishing you all the best.....hope everything is alright and cant wait to see pics