ugh. today i had the biggest headache ever... my iron is low and im cranky
i left work early just to sit home on the computer. listenig to my friend making comments about how hot my lil sister is..
gawd this scares me.
she is starting to draw attetnion from men, i will have to start beating men up. i guess the fact that she is growing up scares me. and to listen to them talk about how the dirty thoughts take over,
gezz man to think they hve these thoughts about me.
its fucked to lsiten to people talk to me about this becuse i am terible with any form of compliment.
life is such
i left work early just to sit home on the computer. listenig to my friend making comments about how hot my lil sister is..
gawd this scares me.
she is starting to draw attetnion from men, i will have to start beating men up. i guess the fact that she is growing up scares me. and to listen to them talk about how the dirty thoughts take over,
gezz man to think they hve these thoughts about me.
its fucked to lsiten to people talk to me about this becuse i am terible with any form of compliment.
life is such

i have trouble believing people would find something in me that they would want to comment on, positively anyway
but im working on it
but heres one for you...
you look really good with glassess
well, and without too, but i digress