oh my god, could it be any nicer out today... i think not. i wish my neighbor would move her car so i could play some basketball. maybe i'll just go find some trees to climb but i Really just have to play outside today. i used to hate sunlight, but ever since i've moved out here i seem to enjoy it so much more. prob cause its a welcome change from the ever-grey. not that i have a problem with the grey or the rain, i love it, it makes me moody and creative. must play now.
More Blogs
Sunday Jul 13, 2003
i hope everyone knows how fucked up the world we live in is. i tho… -
Sunday May 18, 2003
i spent all day in a ridiculously talkitive mood despite the fact tha… -
Tuesday May 06, 2003
*mysteriously appears in a cloud of blue smoke* howdy kids, havent… -
Tuesday Apr 22, 2003
i'm not big on the smiley's but i'm sorry, it's probably a pret… -
Thursday Apr 17, 2003
i want specifics on the general idea. i want to think what i should … -
Tuesday Apr 15, 2003
i am officially in the euphoric new relationship stage, the most glor… -
Sunday Apr 13, 2003
so the driving around w a giant hole where my stereo was is kinda suc… -
Saturday Apr 12, 2003
you wake up to skin and breathing. it wasnt just a dream this time, … -
Thursday Apr 10, 2003
spring fever is in Full effect, and i'm about as happy as a five year… -
Wednesday Apr 09, 2003
oh my god, could it be any nicer out today... i think not. i wish my…
As for the business partner mystery, I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you...
On a serious note, when things become more solid, I'll start letting people know what I'm up to. Until then, the mystery gives us a competitive edge.