oh my god, Karma fucking Rules. lets see, after the car got stolen, several wonderful things happened.
i finally went to check out skervy, the queer night at the cobalt lounge. a bunch of rad people were there, including a girl that i'd met once and wanted to run into again for months. so i told her this, and we danced and had a whole buncha fun, and i got digits and a kiss goodnight. Then, this morning i woke up Not feeling hung over, and totally got a JOB. it only took like 6 months, and its crappy phone work but WOO HOO! money! CD's! movies! alcohol and pot! i'm exstatic. Then, as i was walking out of my interview, a girl that i met last weekend called me, and we are gonna go hang out in the NW tonight. she's got a boyfriend and all, but she's really cool and i'm looking forward to hanging out with her. Oh and theres a kick ass party goin on saturday. stuff Rules. hope all of you out there are enjoying this beautiful friday as much as i am, rock the fuck on.
i finally went to check out skervy, the queer night at the cobalt lounge. a bunch of rad people were there, including a girl that i'd met once and wanted to run into again for months. so i told her this, and we danced and had a whole buncha fun, and i got digits and a kiss goodnight. Then, this morning i woke up Not feeling hung over, and totally got a JOB. it only took like 6 months, and its crappy phone work but WOO HOO! money! CD's! movies! alcohol and pot! i'm exstatic. Then, as i was walking out of my interview, a girl that i met last weekend called me, and we are gonna go hang out in the NW tonight. she's got a boyfriend and all, but she's really cool and i'm looking forward to hanging out with her. Oh and theres a kick ass party goin on saturday. stuff Rules. hope all of you out there are enjoying this beautiful friday as much as i am, rock the fuck on.
Perhaps subconciously I desire to tell my father, but I really don't have any concious thoughts that I'm hiding a part of myself; it's not causing me any pain or stress that he doesn't know. Of course, as you said, it did pop up in a dream, so perhaps I have buried issues.
I wouldn't go so far as to say that Good Will Hunting sucked real bad. It was a simplisitic, unsubtle film that nonetheless seemed to achieve its rather unambitious goals in a fairly enjoyable fashion. I'd say the film was competently made. Same with Finding Forrester. I got the impression that it was made by people who knew what they were doing, did it reasonably well, and didn't stray from the formula that they knew would be satisfying to most audiences. I can certainly see where one could have major problems with both films, but I found them pretty enjoyable. I don't think I've ever seen all of To Die For, and I kinda avoided the Psycho remake because I never really liked the Hitchcock version anyway. In a few years, after a few more films, I think I'm probably going to have to have a van Sant marathon and really form an opinion about him and his work. As it stands, I really agree with you in that he's really hit or miss to me.
Have a great saturday. from the looks of it you will.