aloha kiddies.....
just about to take off to hang with the scooter-nerd set at Amerivespa. just the name makes me snort....
cleveland is a LONG fucking drive away, but i imagine once i get there i'll be loving life... until the drive back, of course.
this week was the absolute worst as far as work goes. i think all the kids decided to go nuts just in time for memorial day weekend. unfortunately, confidentiality requirements prevent me from telling you all just HOW nuts....
i came home every day, from monday onward feeling so utterly stripped down & raw & emotionally used-up that i literally had nothing left. nothing. i wanted to hide under a blanket until i had to wake up & do it all over again the next day. and so i did.
and now, 40 hours in 4 days later, i can bolt for ohio.
every mile between here and there will ease my bloodpressure & hopefully band-aid my beat up psyche.
i still love my job, though. wouldn't trade it for anything. except maybe winning some powerball.
just about to take off to hang with the scooter-nerd set at Amerivespa. just the name makes me snort....
cleveland is a LONG fucking drive away, but i imagine once i get there i'll be loving life... until the drive back, of course.
this week was the absolute worst as far as work goes. i think all the kids decided to go nuts just in time for memorial day weekend. unfortunately, confidentiality requirements prevent me from telling you all just HOW nuts....
i came home every day, from monday onward feeling so utterly stripped down & raw & emotionally used-up that i literally had nothing left. nothing. i wanted to hide under a blanket until i had to wake up & do it all over again the next day. and so i did.
and now, 40 hours in 4 days later, i can bolt for ohio.
every mile between here and there will ease my bloodpressure & hopefully band-aid my beat up psyche.
i still love my job, though. wouldn't trade it for anything. except maybe winning some powerball.

That's only if you win Powerball first...
Hope you're having fun chica and as always, thank you for everything. Hope to hangout soon!

hope you're having fun in cleveland.