Well, turns out my mom's tumor is cancerous too. It's all just a huge waste of time. Finances, making myself a better person, trying to improve my body, huge waste of time. My body is a toxic time bomb and my only hope is to be a food nazi and go to the doctor and get poked and prodded until it's... Read More
You are at least armed with the foreknowledge that it may come some day. Having your finances, health, and life straightened out will make dealing with it much easier if it comes to that. There's a lot to enjoy between now and when or IF it becomes an issue. Yeah, being positive will help, too. {hug}
I agree with catdad. And, although I don't consider myself overly hippie, despite my upbringing, I firmly believe in the mind-body connection. Try to stay positive about the situation, because getting dragged down only makes everything worse.
Yuck, such trite advice. I'm sorry. We need to hang out soon!
My 80-something-year-old grandma was recently diagnosed with terminal ovarian cancer. This is notable for a few reasons, mostly because she hasn't had ovaries since the 60s. In discussing this with family members, it turns out a great aunt was also diagnosed with this when she was 100. My mom is understandably concerned about what this means for her,... Read More
Better safe than sorry. I would get tested for my own knowledge. It's the same reason we have annuals....because if it wasn't caught, then we get in trouble. The ladies that die of cervical cancer are the ones that don't get annuals. Sorry to hear all of this.
Ouch! But I tell ya, if I make to 100 with out any major issues, I would just be so stoked to make it that far. But yeah get checked. Then come over and make out with me. We have not done that in a while.
New Macbook, yeee! Cause I needed another reason to be even more antisocial.
I think one is officially old when the highlight of one's day is swapping phone calls about doctors appointment with one's parents. Here's hoping both are "it's not cancer" calls.
Well, here's the count so far: Budapest - cancelled. Vienna - nuh uh. Still have yet to hear back about London but that was a longshot anyway. At least I'll be spending the next month traveling off and on around the US. I wouldn't have been able to do the parts I'm most looking forward to now, had Budapest happened. So... oh well. Pooh.
Full-fledged... Read More
homemade guacamole and experimenting with different mixed drink concoctions. more sleeping weirdness. keep thinking about someone I knew in australia, but have no way of getting in contact with. aside from that, pretty much the same.
Suddenly dealing with emotionally and physical stored and neglected crap is getting a bit easier. Seeming a bit more realistically tackle-able, as the tasks get smaller and more clear. As my head gets clearer, so too do the piles in forgotten corners of my apartment. Eventually it really will be livable in here.
Now, exiting the world of metaphor for a moment, I still am... Read More
Public storage maybe? When I move and clean, I put myself into a relentless trash mode, where I only keep things that are specifically from other people. So the letter or the card I got 10 years ago gets to stay, but the paper Tecate coaster from Costa Rica goes (hypothetically speaking, I've never had a Tecate coaster or been to Costa Rica). But yeah, it's tough to say what to do once you've decided it is not trash. maybe binders for the letters? Get those three hole plastic things and stick them in there so you can read through them whenever you like? The fate of a knick-knack is to end up in a box, unfortunately, I believe. That is until you are fabulously wealthy and have lots of shelf space for them.
Holy fuck#$*(&!!(*$!!"! The Host is bar none the most awesome monster movie of all time.
Fecking wow. I'm not going to say another word, you'll just have to go see it for yourself. Cause...wow.
I've been running around town like the little dervish of ToDo-ville. When my friend was supposed to come stay with me and I didn't have much time to do the whole... Read More
oh, it was more just a "hey, i like tea" sort of thing, but I wasn't crazy about the end result so I just moved on.
So I went to sleep at 5am last night (or morning I guess) and somehow my eyes opened at 9am, but I had the wherewithal to say "fuck that... it's saturday" and proceeded to sleep til 2. I'm awesome, I know.
So, what's your grand plans for St. Patty's day weekend? Do you go out and drink up, or do you avoid the whole scene like the plague?
Hooray, I didn't get royally screwed on taxes this year! And all it took was making about 10% less than I did last year! Which also means I made slightly over 1/3 of what my household income was... Read More
Christ... I still have to do my taxes... I was done with them in February last year.
St Patty's will pretty much end up as me not doing shit, maybe drinking something. Essentially no plans and since I've already been out and about twice this week, I have no desire to go anywhere. Probably just watch a movie or 12.
The boy is occupied with friends and a big fat drinking fest/quest this weekend, so I've got an entire weekend to ACCOMPLISH THINGS! I think that either means I'm old or that I'm a "career girl". Or both.
So Budapest, being a non-issues now, is free to be replaced. Instead of my 1 week there, I'm now looking at 3 days in Boston, 2 weeks... Read More
I'm now on week whateverthehell of workaholicness. Got another paper to add to my deadline, so I'll be a recluse till at least the first week of April now. Even my socializing this weekend will likely be work-oriented. Colleague needs to be wined and dined, showed how awesome Portland is. But Mom's supposed to come up for lunch, at which point I think we're gonna... Read More
Well, poop. The conference in Budapest was cancelled. Now I don't know if I'll be traveling anywhere else at all this year. Still crossing my fingers on the papers I've submitted so far. Guess I'll just focus on cranking out the writing gigs in the meanwhile. Maybe I can actually get in a couple weeks vacation time instead. That'd be nifty.
Yuck, such trite advice. I'm sorry. We need to hang out soon!