I now own shorts for the first time in probably 10 years. Wacky. Apparently yoga has me in good enough shape that I no longer look like a chubby-kneed kid in them. Yeah, cause people are looking at me going "Hmm, she's cute, but...those knees, geez, put 'em away!!"
So tell me, what's the most inane flaw you focus on, on yourself?
So tell me, what's the most inane flaw you focus on, on yourself?
Probably the extra 10 or 15 pounds around my mid-section. But if I ever lose it, I'm going to have to get a whole bunch of new pants, so I don't really want to. I'm not overly proud of my pale skin. I'm happy with it for myself, but don't usually force it upon other people.
oh well that's a shame then... booty shorts are that much better...