i dunno about it today folks , im pretty bitter. couldnt even tell ya why. i did however manage to fuck up my old jeep in the snow on saturday and had to spend all sunday fixing it. man was i happier than a pig in shit. finals are coming up soon which screams goodtime.
there aint shit to do around here its a very dull existance anymore these days. i think this pic over here is a little outdated plus i look like a real happy mother fucker. this is the first time ive ever actually noticed this picture. maybe i should do some sort of sexy ass pose like alexis did. hmm... id have the ladies crawling all over me.
back to reality
there aint shit to do around here its a very dull existance anymore these days. i think this pic over here is a little outdated plus i look like a real happy mother fucker. this is the first time ive ever actually noticed this picture. maybe i should do some sort of sexy ass pose like alexis did. hmm... id have the ladies crawling all over me.
back to reality

Ohio was quite trash and rednecky... half of my family is filipino, from a 3rd world country... and the other is white trash from ohio. Why couldn't I be italian or irish or something cool like that? I guess it's what makes me unique.
I had a job, but now I don't have anyone. I quit because the store was going to go under. Now I'm back to looking for a job... which is not fun in the least, it's been a rough year.
I got a new dog.. he is 70 pounds of black furry boyness. He likes to sleep with me on the couch and thinks he's a person/my boyfriend. He rocks the casbah.
Occasionally I drift back to souderton (about once every two weeks I go back to visit the parents and pick up my mail). I stay for a few hours, then I go back to my old life in the city.. only to rinse and repeat.
Do the sexy pose! I dare you.
xoxo alexis