So it's been long guys. Though away from the site I'm still in touch with a few things here. There is a reason I'm started to move away from this site but still in the community. The fights and politics going on here is the ugly side of this community. This place started off like a wonder land for me, everything is so perfect but now it's just like any social media site.
Let me rant a little bit before going on to what's happening with me right now but I have saved you the time from scrolling down so skip this bit if you don't want any negativity in your life at the moment
Ok so right on to my life. So this happened! Did the DIY fishing line split hurt like a bitch! No pain no gain eh? Hahaha It's not all the way in but only till where the piercing was, plan to have it split more in the future

Wouldn't say this year has been eventful at the moment. My application to SUNY was rejected so I'm trying for an Australian university. Yes at the age of 25 I'm still not doing anything with my life. Pathetic no? Been raising money heaps for school haven't been spending any money on anything at all cept for necessities :( So yeh 3 months into the year... Wooo... Exciting... Yeh... OH YEH DID YOU KNOW BLACK HEART BURLESQUE IS COMING TO SINGAPORE?!
Ok I'm really pondering if I should do this, at all! As mentioned like I'm saving heaps for school but no I 'm not going to ask for help for my fees but I would like to ask for help to fund me to Blackheart Burlesque. Its a wooping 200 for me to go to one here sadly :( Would you guys help if I made a GoFund Me for something so mundane? I know you guys will get mad reading this cause it seems that I'm back here all of a sudden asking for charity. But no I'm asking if you would help, if not then I just have to set myself back 200 hundos. Be truthful I can take it.
Here are the art stuff I did over the past 3 months :D
Anyways I'll try to stay on here more. What did I miss anything big that's happened? Is everyone whom I knew still around or did some leave? Do tell Do tell! So here I'll end my ramblings and stay awesome pretty people! PEACE!!!