Wow, It's coming up on a year since I've done anything on here. I'm sure getting my money's worth.
Just moved up to the KC area. Things are going well. Lots more music, art, general cultural diversity than swmo. Glad to be here.
Anyone else in the neighborhood? Let me knowsmile
Hey, here's a belated welcome to KC. wink Its a great place to be.
Hey, thanks for the comment on my blog. That's so cute; that you enjoyed the championship and almost slugged someone for saying they liked K-state. Slugged. We're going to call it slugged, rather than slapped, because that makes you sound like the badass that you are. smile
I leave for Sydney this Saturday! And I'll be staying with this lovely fellow (or mate, if you will) for 2 weeks. I've been looking forward to this for so long, it's very strange to know that it's actually going to be happening now.
Crazy, man. Crazy.
Check it
springfield group
i live in spfd too, woot!
Woo Hoo! I have a new job, I'm back at 2 of my old ones AND I may be making $800 before I leave for AUSTRALIA!!! If I don't wear myself thinner than liveable. Perhaps I'll start quitting things soon.
I fly back home from London tomorrow afternoon. Eek! It's starting to feel very, very strange to think about walking around my tiny town of Springfield, where no one speaks with a British accent unless they're faking, and that completely does not count. Man...it's getting scary.
Right now, I'm staying with a friend from home in this little place called Swindon, just west of London...
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it's always somewhat surreal when one has to come back to springfield after an exciting adventure, love to see your pictures sometime though!
I should have stayed in France...
We arrived in London today, training it in from Amsterdam. I've got a serious case of the sniffles, which relatively ruined my last day in party heaven...grr...

Although I'm still in a foreign country, coming back to London feels kind of like we've come back home. I haven't seen anything familiar in almost a month, and it's nice to recognize at least a few things...
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Wow... I haven't left my house in days. I would if I got to go to Eruope. Lucky girl.

Thanks for accepting my friend request. I just noticed that you weren't still in my Pending box.

I was in Amsterdam from July 14-20th and then in Berlin from July 20th- 27th.

Fun times, man. FUn times.
Moreso than I could ever! express on a web journal... but it was good!
We got into Amsterdam yesterday. As it turns out, we're staying in a 5-star hotel, and we didn't even know it. It's kind of annoying, though, 'cause they assume that since you're staying there you have excessive income to throw at them, so we don't even get a free bagel in the morning. Come on, bitches!
I have a feeling Amsterdam will treat us well,...
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Hope your stint in Amsterdam is interesting wink I am so jealous of you and your trip to Europe, you think you're special dont' you? hehe...why aren't you ever going to take a Cafagna class again? oh wait, you graduated, ok I get it, I thought you meant like you hate him and that's why.
So not ALL Italian men are creepy. I made out with a hot Italian Navy guy my last night in Florence. I forgot my camera that night, thoughfrown Paris is next!
I think I'm going to get a haircut while I'm here. I just need to find a stylist who speaks English.
Italian men are creepy!!!
Ok, I'm sure not all of them are. But I've not been doing too well on finding the good ones.
Oh my god, you're still alive.
I've been to Italy, I thought the men were beautiful...but they have a strange way of pursuing women.
and wow, your new profile picture is gorgeous!
Currently typing away at an internet cafe in Firenze. Good times. I'm still not used to the fact that I can't just walk up to someone and introduce myself. I don't freaking speak Italian!!! It's really starting to grate on my oh-so-out-there personality. Perhaps I should grow some balls and learn some Italian. But on the other hand, I'm leaving here Sunday for Paris, so...
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