I now understand why people commit suicide...
More Blogs
Moving on.
So, way back in the day you used to be able to change your usernam… -
Im back...again.
Well, after 4 years away I'm back. Are any of you even still activ… -
Wednesday Mar 21, 2012
fuck it -
Friday Mar 16, 2012
It gets harder every day..... -
Monday Feb 27, 2012
Suppose i should right a proper blog now... Life has been interest… -
Wednesday Sep 28, 2011
Going in for surgery on Friday :-( Doctor said this ones going to hur… -
Sunday Aug 28, 2011
Read More -
Thursday Jul 28, 2011
Starting the completion of my sleeve today! Excited? FUCK YES! -
Tuesday Mar 29, 2011
Thanks to everyone who helped me through this hard time. We broke up,… -
Monday Mar 07, 2011
My first video blog!
I don't know if you're an artist, but it doesn't matter. I think you should try The Artist's Way. It's perfect for dealing with emotional issues and finding ways to be excited about life. Currently I've gotten over most of my depression, and am planning a 5 month N. American road trip (thanks to the book).
If you don't make art, apply the term "artist" to mean "the creator of your life".