so it looks like Efraim might be arriving here tonight, thus the sambe party is saved! yay party!
what else? Oh yeah I want to go to brazil. I may have already mentioned this. But I've been doing some dream trip planning on the internet, and if you do it right you can fly from miami to manaus for somewhat less than going to sao paulo.
However there may be some rather feirce innoculations to get before going there. [yellow fever, tetanus, typhoid and hepititus. possible malaria stuff, depending on where you go]
but it would be manaus-- that means rain forest, and the meeting of the river amazonas, rio solimoes and rio negro.
what else? Oh yeah I want to go to brazil. I may have already mentioned this. But I've been doing some dream trip planning on the internet, and if you do it right you can fly from miami to manaus for somewhat less than going to sao paulo.
However there may be some rather feirce innoculations to get before going there. [yellow fever, tetanus, typhoid and hepititus. possible malaria stuff, depending on where you go]
but it would be manaus-- that means rain forest, and the meeting of the river amazonas, rio solimoes and rio negro.
We'll get there at some point...but, Europe for me comes first. See, you've been there already though, it might not have been fun.