let me tell you about my first design project for the semester. pretty exciting stuff. my entire class was paired up with an industrial design student, who is in the process of creating a set of grilling tools (just in time for Labor Day BBQ...yumm) so, as the graphic designer, i get to brainstorm and create a name, logo identity, and packaging for them.
pretty cool huh? I'll post stuff as i come up with it. i've gotta start researching some of it already. and i have to design 5 billboards for clorox bleach by wednesday.
busy busy already.
later my loves
p.s anyone wanna pay my parking ticket? j/k. gawd campustown sux for parking...
pretty cool huh? I'll post stuff as i come up with it. i've gotta start researching some of it already. and i have to design 5 billboards for clorox bleach by wednesday.
busy busy already.
later my loves
p.s anyone wanna pay my parking ticket? j/k. gawd campustown sux for parking...
here, here for proper after hours gear.
although I think she has picked out some fabulous stuff on her own
good luck at HighDive, when's your first night?
wtf is after hours gear?!
Does my hair make me look like Mary Tyler Moore? looked in the mirror this morning and thought it did...the chops throw it all off though.