it's such a long story...i wouldn't even know where to begin--too complicated. fuck!
change of subject: I found the most gorgeous
cheongsam dress with a mandarin collar at buffalo exchange today. total score. it fits me like a glove...If only I had somewhere to show it off
now that my sister is gone, my weekends are going to be so boring. here i am already staying in on a friday night, watching my dad plan his stock portfolio. geez.
i talked to my best friend back home today and realized that she is in a very toxic relationship. and i have no idea what to say to her, becuase i have been in her exact spot before. its like something that you have to go through withdrawal to get out of. really unfortunate.
i am hopping into bed now...guten nacht
change of subject: I found the most gorgeous
i talked to my best friend back home today and realized that she is in a very toxic relationship. and i have no idea what to say to her, becuase i have been in her exact spot before. its like something that you have to go through withdrawal to get out of. really unfortunate.
i am hopping into bed now...guten nacht
good night
you should have come down to work and checked out bob log was fucking sweet, I can always burn you some cd's of his does fit like a glove,