Hey ho. Yeah, I haven't updated in awhile. Don't beat me too much.
Lets see......had a car broken into, rat died (alas, poor Mia) to be replaced with Erin the Newbie Rat. The heat has broken in my apartment. Finally got a big bed to replace the twin with due to my good credit. Am quitting smoking, down to one a day. Getting severe headaches...
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Lets see......had a car broken into, rat died (alas, poor Mia) to be replaced with Erin the Newbie Rat. The heat has broken in my apartment. Finally got a big bed to replace the twin with due to my good credit. Am quitting smoking, down to one a day. Getting severe headaches...
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Blah. So sleepy, even after a triple cappacino.. My mom and I went out for coffee earlier today. It was nice ot get some caffiene back into my system.
I raelly ought to start washing laundry and packing soon. I leave tomorrow to go back to Indiana at 2. Back to the daily grind. Bah. It'll be good to see Sam and Booger (my kitty)...
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I raelly ought to start washing laundry and packing soon. I leave tomorrow to go back to Indiana at 2. Back to the daily grind. Bah. It'll be good to see Sam and Booger (my kitty)...
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ye gods, did you guys lose net access at your house again?
Meh. I miss Sam and want to go back and see him (I'm returning to the Haute on Sunday), but I am so not looking forward to worrying about bills again. Must not let electric company turn off our service.
Rundown of what I've gotten so far:
Crockpot (my mom worries that I'm not eating well)
jingle bell socks ( can be turned into toy...
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Rundown of what I've gotten so far:
Crockpot (my mom worries that I'm not eating well)
jingle bell socks ( can be turned into toy...
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what the hell does a crock pot do anyways?
red leather red leather red leather.
that was a drama warm up.
my favorite was:
i'm not a fig plucker or a fig plucker's son, but i'll pluck the figs till the fig plucker comes.
that was fun to screw up.
i wish i got more present. i got like four... from my parents, and none from my friends. ugh.
and i couldn't make mix cd's for people, my friend justin broke my laptop.
so christmas was kinda lame, and boring regardless.
glad yours was okay.
that sucks about hte amp. my bass amp just broke.
that blows, hardcore.
love gavin.
xoxo. xoxo.
that was a drama warm up.
my favorite was:
i'm not a fig plucker or a fig plucker's son, but i'll pluck the figs till the fig plucker comes.
that was fun to screw up.
i wish i got more present. i got like four... from my parents, and none from my friends. ugh.
and i couldn't make mix cd's for people, my friend justin broke my laptop.
so christmas was kinda lame, and boring regardless.
glad yours was okay.
that sucks about hte amp. my bass amp just broke.
that blows, hardcore.
love gavin.
xoxo. xoxo.
Very tired. Talked to Sam a lot on the phone today. It was nice. We got a Crock Pot that I don't know how to use for Christmas. Sam doesn't know what to do with it either. Perhaps we'll put our heads together and come up with something.
I'm about ready to go home to be with Sam and sleep in my own bed again--not...
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I'm about ready to go home to be with Sam and sleep in my own bed again--not...
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A crock pot for Christmas? That is the worse gift ever. Unless anybody got a beadazzler?
Well, well, well, Merry Christmas boys and girls!!! I'm sitting downstairs all by my lonesome, as none of my siblings have woken up yet, and my mom is milking the quiet time she has up in her room.
On a nastier note, I've got this big pus filled blister on my thigh. THe kind you get when you shave (ladies, I hope you know what...
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On a nastier note, I've got this big pus filled blister on my thigh. THe kind you get when you shave (ladies, I hope you know what...
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merry christmas and happy lancing
Blach....have had far too much eggnog and feel kind of sick. Otherwise, things are great here in Michigan. It's really idyllic and pretty here. Snow falls every day. I'm in Hancock, which is way, way up in the UP, on Lake Superior. Every day after school in the winter here, my siblings go skiing. And in the summer, they swim or water ski or just...
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hmmm. egg nog. happy holidays. 


Gah. Flew to Michigan today. So here I am, late at night, typing on my mom's computer, exhausted. Just talked to Sam on the phone. He hasn't vacuumed up a pile of ash on the carpet from when an ashtray tipped over. At least he fed the cat. I fear for my home.
Hopefully updates will be more frequent this week as I will have...
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Hopefully updates will be more frequent this week as I will have...
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Michigan!?!?! Ewww.
in Battle Creek.

Sitting in the coffeehouse with my man. Really nothing of note to speak of, just thought I'd let people know that I'm still here, still alive. It had been awhile.
There is a creepy guy who sat down at the same table as us who is reading his homework aloud and making statements of great interest and surprise to his books, so I think I'm...
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There is a creepy guy who sat down at the same table as us who is reading his homework aloud and making statements of great interest and surprise to his books, so I think I'm...
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haha u make me laugh. hope lifes treatin ya well. muah.
Good to hear you are still here and still alive.
Well, it's been a little while. Where to start?
Sam has been smited by the flu. And I do mean smited (smitten, smote?) in the biblical sense of the word. It just hit him one day like a giant hand had reached down from the sky and bitchslapped him. We had to take him to the doctor to get a prescription to bring down his...
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Sam has been smited by the flu. And I do mean smited (smitten, smote?) in the biblical sense of the word. It just hit him one day like a giant hand had reached down from the sky and bitchslapped him. We had to take him to the doctor to get a prescription to bring down his...
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what's your band called? do you have a website?
Oh good god I am exhausted. Sam and I got up at three this morning to go to work at Toys R Us. People were lined up outside the door in the snow at four this morning. Sick, sad fucks. By nine I wanted to shoot myself in the eye. Got off at noon, went home, pawned my shift at the coffeeshop off on a...
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Blah! My Thanksgiving was mundane and trivial..

my thanksgiving was fuckin' great, cept that you never called me! =)
heh, s'ok... drop me a call this weekend or something and we'll chill.
heh, s'ok... drop me a call this weekend or something and we'll chill.
yeah i made like stuff you sold in the back in the "tabbaacco" area.pretty cool town,i guess... well its super cool to meet you. my names claye i live in peoria, right next door,in shit IL. oh well peace in.
you sing??
wow cool , i make me own music. should check out my webpage, maybee you could sing on a song??
[Edited on Feb 10, 2004 7:11PM]