I'm blown away by the amazing response to my set! You guys are fantastic, and all the comments and messages were very appreciated. Please! Keep the comments coming! If you didn't comment on the set DO IT! Commenting is how SG keeps track of what members like and don't like, and we want to show them that we like art and creativity to go along with our boobies!
Ok, I'm off my soap box....
So... Yes! There was a ton of hard work put into this set! More than I think you would even believe. Many of you commented that this set was like a Frank Frazzetta painting or a cover of Heavy Metal. Well, you nailed it, thats exactly what we were going for.
A bunch of you really like the costume in this set. droctopus is the guy to congratulate on that! Of course I helped a bit with the planning of it, but it was Larry who put it together and made it look so damn real. You wouldn't believe it, but a bunch of the pieces of that costume were made from ice skates that Larry and I found at the thrift store!
The hair you saw around my neck and waist, was a last minute idea of Larry's while at the beauty store, it's a weave!
What we liked to call the boobie hammock was made from a couple belts. I'm telling you, this guy is AMAZING!
This is Larry icing down my nipples (nipples look nicer when they are hard, but thats not easy to maintain when you have a bunch of hot lights on you for 6 hours!)
Oh, and let's not forget, he also built the slab I was sitting on, the axe I was holding, and the background!
Sureality, as everyone knows, photographed and photoshopped the set (the photoshopping was also aided by Larry). Mike gives great direction! We shot for six hours straight and by the end I was incredibly greasing, dirty and grumpy! But Mike kept me pumped the whole time and having Hellah there helped me stay in good spirits as well.
Hmm what else can I say?
This set was months in the making! The day of the shoot I spent over 12 hours at Larry's screwing around with costume details and then shooting. I didn't get home until nearly 3am! Thats a long day of shooting!
I need to sleep now, so I will update with more info on the set tomorrow!
Thanks again guys!
Ok, I'm off my soap box....
So... Yes! There was a ton of hard work put into this set! More than I think you would even believe. Many of you commented that this set was like a Frank Frazzetta painting or a cover of Heavy Metal. Well, you nailed it, thats exactly what we were going for.
A bunch of you really like the costume in this set. droctopus is the guy to congratulate on that! Of course I helped a bit with the planning of it, but it was Larry who put it together and made it look so damn real. You wouldn't believe it, but a bunch of the pieces of that costume were made from ice skates that Larry and I found at the thrift store!
The hair you saw around my neck and waist, was a last minute idea of Larry's while at the beauty store, it's a weave!
What we liked to call the boobie hammock was made from a couple belts. I'm telling you, this guy is AMAZING!

This is Larry icing down my nipples (nipples look nicer when they are hard, but thats not easy to maintain when you have a bunch of hot lights on you for 6 hours!)
Oh, and let's not forget, he also built the slab I was sitting on, the axe I was holding, and the background!
Sureality, as everyone knows, photographed and photoshopped the set (the photoshopping was also aided by Larry). Mike gives great direction! We shot for six hours straight and by the end I was incredibly greasing, dirty and grumpy! But Mike kept me pumped the whole time and having Hellah there helped me stay in good spirits as well.
Hmm what else can I say?
This set was months in the making! The day of the shoot I spent over 12 hours at Larry's screwing around with costume details and then shooting. I didn't get home until nearly 3am! Thats a long day of shooting!
I need to sleep now, so I will update with more info on the set tomorrow!
Thanks again guys!
Um, so I would like you to come visit me once a weekend from now till the 23rd. How does that work for you?